What's all the confusion?

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Kiiara's pov:-

"What's the startled look all about?" I hear my sister's voice as I snap out of my thoughts and i feel her hands pull my cheeks sadistically as an evil smile spreads on her face.

"What is it!?"
I ask in the most annoyed voice as i start rubbing my cheeks that must be looking literally like a tomato.

"Your face looks like you witnessed a cat die-" she opens her mouth again.

I cut her in the middle by getting up from my seat, clutching the phone tightly,

"Ive to go to the restroom, ill be back."

I start walking towards the sign which reads ' restroom' as i cross kyle who is holding the food we ordered and he gives me a worried look but i ignore it. Yes i even ignored the food though there is a big rat ready to eat anything in my tummy but i just need some time to relax and think of an reply

*15minutes back*

Shawn's pov:-

This is the 15th time I'm checking my phone but still no reply.
Im getting paranoid now, i don't know why am i putting so much thought into this but again I've never hit a girl with a car before so i guess its just guilt
...the point is, doesn't she know about the common  courtesy to reply to a sorry text, how long does it take to just type 'I T S  A L R I G H T
its alright
Its alright
Okay stop repeating the words in your head stupid

"How do i look?"
I hear nistha call me as she comes out of the changing room.
i look up from the screen to see her wear a hoodie of black-red combination which i picked up for her

"Isnt it too baggy?"

She whispers as she tries to manage the long sleeves which covers even her palm and i can see that i did an excellent job cause it suits her nicely though I'd lie if i say im not surprised a bit.

Since the day i met her, she was always into the perfect ladylike outfits and yet she wore a hoodie when i asked.
When will i start to understand girls meh!

"Nope, you look cute"

I compliment as i help her with her sleeves and she squeezes the life out of me as she  hugs me

"I loved it too shawn, thankyou!"

*beep beep!*

The phone on the table vibrates and i realise the reason so i rush to lift it. There it is finally a message received from 'Miss. Freak'
I chuckle as i read the contact name,
"Nailed it shawn" i whisper to myself and open the message tab.

Are you a fan girl, fake shawn? I mean i have great deduction skills so i guess you're!
Anyhow he made a mistake not you, though you might be madly in love with him but trust me he ran off instead of helping  so he is a jerkface with a pretty voice!

No your deduction skills sucks idiot cause neither am i a girl nor a jerkface!

"Is everything okay, you seem frustrated?"

I snap out of my reverie as i find nistha's face looking at me

"Yea, its nothing" i speak as my eyes are darted on the ground.

You know what i dont care, she is dumb! I did my job now i have nothing to do with that arrogant stranger,

But to think of it, how can i expect her to believe that I'm real shawn. In her eyes real shawn must be some famously arrogant singer who won't really care to say sorry and i did drive off!

What to do....

"Got it!" I scream as i get an excellent idea
"huh?" Nishtha  asks and i look towards her as i quickly turn on the camera mode of my phone. I swirl her to bring her close to me so we both can fit in the tiny phone screen,

There it is the proof that I'm real shawn!
Nishtha seemed confused initially but yet she managed to look so good in the picture, wow!

Share through text- recipient- Miss freak- send- and done, perfect! A wide grin spreads on my face,
Now i guess she'll believe me, smart move hehe..

*present time*

Kiiara's pov:-

I cry out as i see the  picture again,
"nope no no no not possible!"

Trailing back n forth the tiny room, i start wondering what to respond..
Or should i even respond, i mean last time the same person claimed to be shawn but never showed up and this picture might be taken before and he/she might have found it from somewhere,

The picture was of shawn and nistha and they look so classy, seriously real shawn isnt the one who is texting me. This person seems like some crazy fan but why is this person bothering me

I open the text box, im prepared with a response.

To fake shawn;

Look if you think im among the dumb teen girl who you can easily fool then well i can't help but only feel sorry for you, this picture is old and the trick is tacky, find someone else. And yea ive a question, Whose stalker are you, mine or mendes's? !

Yours obviously

Woah that was one fast reply and my stalker?, this must be some stupid prank..

I look like a shoebox and i got a stalker already, amusing lol

Shoebox wow, and i thought girls had complexes about their looks
..you're cute, trust me.

So you recommend me to trust you, a stranger (he/she) who is pretending to be the Shawn Mendes..nah i pass btw i forgot to tell..
.. good bye!

But I am tho, It would be really exciting to see the look on your face when you realise who i really am, haha

I already know, youre a laymen who is bored of its self loathing life and is trying to get some fun through bothering pretty faces! You suck in short.

But you said you look like a shoebag and now you're calling yourself pretty, what a jump, nice..

You're too mean to be my stalker

Oh i am? sorry im new at this, you suggest how should i act like ?

Like a good stranger and stop texting me!
Im busy with alot of better stuffs to do..

Well i can notice how busy youre through the fast replies, hide it but youre a big fan of shawn, aren't you?!

I dont give a damn!

Let's meet?

Huh! ...no sorry wth!

Are you afraid?

Afraid blah blah blah

Youre coming for the jamming right, ill find you! Let's see how much you talk then.

Wow you're so shady, if we meet you're getting stabbed for sure.

Then I guess I'll just have to die to prove my truth haha

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