
109 24 4

Kiiara's  pov

Its been two days now, I' am settled at the University where the competition is held.

This place is just so beautiful and filled with so much diversity as few of the participants are even from places i don't know how to spell the name of.

The sad part is i didnt get to visit anywhere outside the university, the two days went by in a flash between the auditorium, music room and dorm.

Im living in a dorm room alone right now cause apparently there were odd no. Of participants still im happy about it.

It feels better this way then trying to adjust with someone.

Im in my bed and its 7 in the morning.

I couldnt sleep last night so i started writing lyrics for a new song. Which I love to do because it makes me feel really light.
It's almost as if all the things that i think of, start spreading over the sheets leaving my head.

Maybe i could sing this song for the jamming tomorrow.
But, there'll be a certain famous singer with us according to the rumours and i suck at playing in front of people.

I keep my guitar back in the cover and give a long stretch to my body and start removing clothes from my bags.
I was too tired to unpack properly so all the Clothes were still in my bag,

And now, now they are on my floor, scattered as I rummage through to find something comfy to wear cause it's really cold outside.

After 25 minutes of useless efforts to look a little fresh, i turn to look in the mirror.
I have big circles under my eyes maybe cause i didn't properly sleep since ive come here and a very screwed up hair.
I try to put the comb at some use but then in few minutes i give up and just roll a scraf all over my head, better!

I walk out, closing the door as i see nishtha standing along the corridor talking to someone.

I look at her and suddenly the feeling of being self conscious creeps in.

She looks so flawless standing there and even the one she is talking to looks so stunning . I wonder how do they manage to look like that at 8 in the morning when all i can look like a messed up pig!

I walk out of the dorm somehow saving myself from her continues glares. I really think we have a mutual hate kind of understanding, although I always wonder why does she not like me so much, im very sweet in general, I am I swear.

I step into the garden area or more like an open area. Its like a road which connects the university with the dorm building.

I smile as i see aarav standing at a distance but he seems quite into the conversation he is having with the people gathered around.

He gets famous pretty easily anywhere he goes and it becomes really hard for me to fit in with the kind of people he talks to.

Specially cause of my awkwardness, I am bad with strangers.

Walking ahead as i think of a proper tune to fit the lyrics i wrote in the morning, I see everyone being busy in their own lil groups or talking about things like they've known eachother since forever.

I have realised that ive to find a group soon but it's tough.
Mentally slapping myself for being antisocial, I continue walking.

Soon i reach the university ground, which is on a turn when suddenly i see a car coming, i try to move away from it's direction, but before i can comprehend, it was too late.

"Holyshitt ouu fuck man!"

I open my eyes to see the ground ahead of me, as a stinging pain spreads through my leg.

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