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(10:36 pm)
Kiiara's pov :
Snuggling inside the clothes I was still trapped in the room though I heaved a sigh of relief when Shawn left Nistha alone in the room as she wanted to fix her mid-thigh silky black dress which exposed her sun-kissed legs perfectly.

I couldn't wait to get out out of the bundle of clothes and go back to my dorm so I just stared at Nistha cautiously through the tiny gap of the closet waiting for her to do whatever the hell she wants to do with her dress but soon I felt my breath getting stuck in my throat when I finally realised what one of my worst enemy was doing.

She was crying.

I watched the first tear roll down her face as she closed her eyes, I was stunned and suddenly I just wanted to climb out of the cupboard and pull her into a hug but knowing Nistha I decided to sit quietly inside the cupboard and watch her helplessly.

Few tears more fell down her cheeks but they were stained black cause of her mascara. Her cheeks were turning scarlet and her eyes, red. weeping and hugging herself she clasped on the ground and I noticed her teeth biting her lips trying hard to not let the sobs skip her mouth.

I always wished or thought of such imaginary situations in which Nistha would cry and I would watch her with complete happiness as I hated her so much but now that I'm watching her in this state, I don't feel happy.

I feel terrible and the curiosity to know the reason that could make Nistha cry was eating my head.

Why would she cry suddenly? I mean her conversation with Shawn wasn't that intense. It was kinda normal.

"Kiia! Come out! how long are you gonna hide? I promise I wont throw ice cubes at you..so come out please"

The sudden voice of Aarav vibrated the room and it came with a que of loud banging on the door which broke the dead silence and shocked the girl who was crying.

'Oh shit! I totally forgot Aarav was still in search for me. What if she lets him in and they both find out I'm in the cupboard hiding no no no that'll be bad!

Nistha instantly got up from where she was sitting and started to fix her make up. I guess she really isn't planning to tell anybody that something is bothering her.

I feel relaxed that somehow her tears stopped.
Slowly her shivery hand manages to twist the door knob and the door opens


(Author's pov)
Nistha opened the door and her heart almost stopped as she saw the reason for her recent vulnerable act was staring at her with his mouth wide open.

Aarav called out for Kiiara as he thought she will be the only one hiding away in a room at such a party. He knew how much she hated being in a place where many people would try to approach her.

So when the only person he didn't expect (Nistha) or rather didn't want to expect was standing in front of him holding the door. He could barely find words to speak.

Couple of minutes pass by but the silence which was broken by Aarav somehow maintains its presence in the room again.

Kiiara was getting nervous and confused as what was happening cause she couldn't see everything through the tiny gap.

Although she could sense the air getting thicker, the tension building up and the tender and innocence in Nistha's eyes as she stared at the door with simply no words.

Aarav was drunk still he couldn't help but feel shocked at the sight of Nistha who looked miserable.

He wasn't dumb to not know that she was crying earlier before he barged in like an idiot.

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