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Shawn's pov:-


" I ask you something, promise youll be honest"


"You love me?"

Sometimes you just dont understand what you are feeling, it gets you confused so badly.
She was standing there in front of someone else, holding so many expressions which I somehow wish was for me but it wasnt.

I walked away cause I didnt know how else was I suppose to control my urges to snatch her away from that guy and just take her somewhere and ask her, why?

Was she sure about whatever the hell she was doing?

An unfamiliar pain filled up my heart as I was walking on the streets.
My mind was having a battle of its own, where one side was helplessly defending,
Wasnt she just a stranger, why do I care so much about her then?

Many heads turned to look at me as I slowly walked on the busy street. group of people even tried to approach me but I didn't want to stop so I started walking a little faster.


People started screaming my name asking me to stop. eventually my attempts failed badly as I was surrounded. Though this place is secluded from the city but still the no. Of people participating in the competition was huge and right now almost half of them were standing around me.

Slowly it got tougher for me to even take a step as their phone cameras
were shoved on my face,

the flashlight was turned on as it was night time.
The light was blinding my eyes and I was getting irritated by them, requesting me to smile cause hell I couldn't find any strength in me to even lift up my lips a little.
Why? I didnt know, I felt heavy inside, the knot in my throat due to certain anger was overwhelming me.

I tried to request them for letting me go for now as I started promising
For next time but things got worse.

Its all my fault john asked me to not go to university for eating tonight but I sneaked out somehow and here I acted foolish again, I forgot to call him to pick me up before coming on the streets.

"hey guys take it easy, im sorry but im just-" my voice became thicker as I tried to scream loud enough to make them all hear but my words fell on deaf ears as nobody moved aside to let me walk in peace.

Everyone surrounding me were a part of the reason why im so successful, I didnt wanna be rude to them. They have every right to ask me to take pictures and hang around a little..i just I somehow wanted to make them understand, im not feeling good.

This might've been wrong but I didn't care at this time.
I just wanted to be out of here, in my room with my guitar.

*phone buzzes*
I picked up the phone immediately as I saw the name of the person calling me, flashing on the screen.
"Hey shawn, long time eh?"
I heard Cameron greet me through the phone and just in that moment I lost my control as it was really hard to even hold a phone cause of the people crowding.
"Get me out of here, please cam!"
"Um are you alright? Is everything okay?"

"Okay okay ill come and get you..luckily im in the city just lemme know where to come, okay?"

I told him my location as I pushed a little too hard to try to get away from the people.
Once I cut the call,
I kept staring at the phone screen, a thought crossed and I typed a text to kiiara letting her know that I kind of saw something I shouldnt have, maybe she would somehow realise something, I dont know what is that something I want her to realise but I just cant stop the burning sensation in my stomach which started from the time I heard her confess.

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