Will he say yes!?

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They say, you rather be free than being with somebody.
But you lemme Be me then make me look like a nobody.
With you every night is like a party
You and me we can live like royalties. - N

Kiiara's pov:

"Dad, I need to ask you about something, can I?"

"Why are you standing there Kiko, come sit on my lap and tell me, what is it?"
He kept his phone aside and looked at me, his eyes gleaming with pride.

He loves me too much and so its really hard to expect him to take such a risk, my dad is really strict but i can understand his concerns.
Honestly I really am wishing for my lucky star to make him say yes today, just this one time!

"Is everything okay" he asks with an eager but low tone which reflects that he is worried.

"Yes, I just wanted to.." this is so hard, I never can talk to my dad or ask him about anything if I required it.
It was always my mom or at times he would realise it himself.
I'm scared of him, it's true.
It's because I always wanted to stay as his good girl who never demands much but understands the situation so today when I have to ask for his permission about such a huge thing; my legs are shaking with fear.

But I really wanted such an opportunity ever since I wrote my first song.
I still remember how I always used to end up playing some awfully amazing tune with things beside me and would start singing random lines which rhymed and my brother would join me.

We made many songs with such fuzziness and i still have those songs at the tip of my tongue.
Since then I realised a dream, my dream, to become a lyricist or musician.

I never hide this dream of mine but i never even show cast it to people.

Just like an unwanted secret, writing lyrics is something I didn't want to keep just to myself but in these years of growing up, I never got a chance to share it with many people----

"Kir is selected for a programme in New York, her college will take her full responsibility, it's a tough thing to get selected for. But she is good in her academics that's why she's in dad, isn't it great?"

Anna- My sister says in a rushed voice..did i miss something?

What just happened ?
Why did she say that ?
Oh I got lost in my thoughts again and I didn't utter a word to reply to my dad so she spoke in place of me.
How much do I hate my idiotic behaviour!
She was stumbling on each word of hers as she was lying.
But why?
She never lied to dad before so why did she do it now?...
'Just focus on what's going on here and stop thinking' I mumble to myself

I look at her as confusion and shock are filling up in my head.
I was surprised but more scared of what she did...it could easily go down track from here.

"She needed your permission dad, I guess that's what she was trying to say"
After she was done speaking she looked at me as a clue that now it's my turn to speak but I could hardly find any words.  So there was silence in the room for few minutes.

But then suddenly my dad gives me a pat on my back lightly
"Why wont i let you go, its such a proud thing! In fact we all will go to New York with her to support her!" He announces
holyyyyyy crap nooo this is..ughh!!

"Um it'll take 4 months for the programme to end dad.....Are you sure about coming with me?..........
Though it'll be really nice to have you all there to support me" I stutter

I know he can't take holiday for so long though the competition ends in 3 month but for assurance I told him four, please say that you'll let me go alone

"I can't take holiday for that long"
Just like I thought.

"Dad I will go with her. Don't worry I'll take care of her completely."

Anna says and I can see slightly a smile forming on her lips, oh now I get it!

I don't mind her coming with me and it'll be fun if she'll be there.
No matter how much she irritates me, she always supports me in every stupid thing that I do and we always wanted to go roam the world together.

Not the world but at least now we can take a start and New York could be our first destination!

"Are you sure?"

Dad asks, but he is calm and that's a good sign

"Yes Dad"

She says with a sly smile after looking at me
But wait I didn't even get selected yet..

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