Take a break!

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Every corner that I turn
I wish to find you on the edge
But you are like a shadow
So close still i can't feel you yet. -N

Shawn's pov:
Even after achieving so much, it still feels incomplete,
I'm really glad I could reach this stage in such less time,
at times i really ask myself if I deserve all the fame and credit but then after watching everyone have so much confidence in me, I feel proud too.

Its been 5 years since I came in this industry, I am so comfortable now, but i still remember the first year when I was noticed by people, it was like a big step but Andrew helped that little me grow up from what he discovered to who I am today, I'm still grateful to him for that.
He is a wonderful man.

I don't mean incomplete as in something I cant achieve but its something missing, like I am living a dream which is almost complete. A missing piece is all the puzzle needs.. and I don't know where to find it.

"Shawn someone is here to meet you, should I send him in?"

"yes please" I say, with a smile, to my sister who is peeping through the door of my room.

"Okay as you say" she replies and shuts the door behind her

I am in New York right now, and my sister is here to visit me. She missed me and she loves New York is what she said when I asked for the reason for visiting, well I missed her too.
Living away from my family is really difficult, although it's funny how we manage to constantly stay in touch, so they I'd never lemme feel alone. It's amazing tbh, they're amazing!

"Um am i disturbing your chain of thoughts?"

I look up to find Andrew who is trying to look for a place to sit through all the paper balls and crap on the floor and chairs in my room,

"Sorry my room is a mess"
"Someone was writing a new hit, I see!"
He winks at me

" i don't know, I'm finding it hard to think-" he cuts me midway.

"You need to take some rest, your tour
ended last week, just take a break"

"I think I've taken a longer period for writing this album than any I did before but I can't seem to understand, why? I do want a break but I am scared what if I am wasting my time and won't have anything for my fans eventually. I wanna be honest in my songs and efforts but it all sounds like a mess"

"Hey, don't be so hard on yourself, you've been doing fine till now. Whatever it is that you can't understand about your feelings maybe just need some time. Oh, I have something just right for you"

"What?" I ask with confusion

"Um my colleague is financing this college competition in New York looking for new talents,"

"sounds fun, So what are you telling me to do?"

"I want you to be one of the judges"
"Judge no way, I can't"

"They require a judge and you're perfect for it, oh c'mon! Maybe you'll find an inspiration for your album there" he replies and  I can sense the excitement in his voice.
I can't refuse him, I have never been able to do that and it makes sense anyway.
I never got a chance to attend a college like normal people so this must be my chance to somehow be a part of it.

"Okay as you say, when does this thing start ?"

"In two weeks, I'll tell them to give you all the information. This will be fun"

He says and I know he really does care for me a lot, but being a judge ? Let's see how that goes!...

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