from fake shawn to..drunk shawn!

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Kiiara's pov:-
Aarav and alex kept throwing the same crumpled paper back and forth at each other. It would've been okay if i wasnt sitting in between them, but i was---
When the paper struck my face for the fifth time, i lose my temper and glare at aarav.
"Give it to alex" he whispers, his lips are barely moving.
If you had been picking the same crumpled paper four times already, you'd feel the same fury as i feel right now.
"Kiiara..." alex pleadingly whispers from my left.

"Kia..." aarav urges
"No" i hiss.
Picking up the paper, i throw it forward.
They both gasp as the paper falls across the door and turn their frowning faces away from me together.

Alex motions towards the fallen paper to pick it up but another hand lifts it before he can.

She unfolds the crumpled paper with the written chit chat between the two guys as everyone sitting in the room greets the brunette.
I've seen her before, she was the speaker for jamming..Is she the instructor?

Soon my doubt is cleared as she introduces herself and yes she is. I chuckle at the boys luck..

All the participants were seperated into four groups with each group having 30 people.
The groups were alloted with their own practice room. Me and aarav were put in group 2 where even aarav's new friend, alex who eventually is now MY new friend, is with us.
An hour back, all the group 2 members got an email to assemble in this practice room ( which im guessing is ours from now on, with alot of big mirrors, fancy lightings and instruments) to meet up our group instructor who right now is walking towards aarav

A mischievous smile is playing on her lips. The way those two were chatting on that little paper made me curious too, but i knew if i ask them, they specially wont bother to tell me so i guess in a way now ill find out by her if not them.
"So? Should i read it aloud?" She asks him in strong french accent.

"If you want to watch someone strangling my cute lil neck right here then yea sure"
Arrav mutters holding up a smirk, as he tries to put up some charm on her, yikes!
"Very well, i dont wanna witness a murder on the first day so ill spare you" she shrugs trying to hide her slight red cheek.

"Murder oooooo sounds fun so who'll be the killer??" Someone speaks out of nowhere

I recognise the voice, its the same one that's been ringing in my head since last three days.
everybody literally turn their gaze towards the messy brown head as he walks by our instructor and asks for the chit from her hand.

She doesn't argue, and happily gives the cheerful boy what he wants.

"If you dont want to then i shall take it upon me to start the class with some fun!"

Shawn exclaims and my heart starts beating hard again at his sight as my mind fills up with
The memory of my little encounter with shawn few nights back. Since then I've been avoiding him,
Turning a corner, hiding behind pillars and quickly striding in the opposite way whenever I used to see him with his friends. It was an easy job cause he was too famous and people would crowd around him most of the time, making it simple for me to run away without him noticing.
But now im stuck uh no...

(Author's pov)
"So everything is sorted right my friend?? "
Shawn asked her with a wide smile.
But all he got was silence in reply
why is this girl not talking he wondered as his eyes peered in her's questionably

"We're not friends shawn, im sorry"
She finally spoke as she walked towards the door of the room
and his face fell in reflex
Is that all she took?
And what's a big deal about calling her my friend.

"I dont get it...why? Do you still think of me as some arrogant star?" Shawn asked as he was loosing his patience

why do you care was the only question that rung in her head
"im not interested that's all" her lips sliped the words and soon she regretted it.

"Not interested huh?"
He snapped as he was getting really annoyed by her ice cold attitude.

"I know you're a good guy but i can't fit in your clan even if just as your not qualified." she said somehow trying to fix the damage

"Wasn't that suppose to be my decision?" He whispered calmly this time as he had realised by now that she wasn't like normal girls who'd die to be his friend.

No matter how much he didn't like this habit of his but he hated rejection of any kind and his reputation kinda helped him boost his ego.

" tired i guess you should leave "
She answered in a low tone praying hard that he'd accept and just let it be

Something crossed Shawn's head as he suddenly paced towards her.
He pinned her across the door and squeezed her shoulder gently.
Lowering his head he tried to catch up with kiiara's unfocused eyes

"Go out with me once and I'll surely make you change your mind" he smirked coyly looking straight at the dumbfounded girl in front of him
She was shocked was an understatement
She couldn't catch up on breathing as a lump was formed in her throat

"Are you drunk?"
She somehow managed to ask the question and she was really positive that he was.
"Nope i am not miss freak"

"Even i am not drunk so stop joking around and i have a boyfriend" she spoke anxiously.
She was lying but it was only way she could stop the brown head from overwhelming her mind.
"You dont." He shrugged in a bore tone

"you know aarav is my boyfriend. I thought you mentioned him as my boyfriend while explaining so you'd already know"

She spoke as she was trying hard to compose herself
And put up a blank expression though realising how just a lil moment of her body could make her crash into him

"I just said that cause you kept calling nistha as my girlfriend so tit for tat..anyway i know you're lying and trust me you suck at it prettyface"
He said as a small smile turned his lips as he remembered the text where she called herself 'prettyface'

'Uh oh can this guy be any less stubborn' she mumbled to herself.

The door knob twitched and in a queue the door opened making them both loose their balance

They both screamed in pain as they were fallen on their asses and someone was laughing hysterically staring at them.

"Who's this kiko?"
Kiiara's sister- anna asked between her laugh
As she gave them both a hand to get up.
Kiiara was still spaced out so shawn spoke as he took her hand.
"Hi im shawn!"
Dusting himself he looked at the 25 year old women with similar eyes as kiiara,
'She's hot' he thought to himself as he fixed his shirt properly to make up a good impression.

Anna was amazed as she found her loving sister alone with shawn so she spoke amusingly
"Oh the famous singer! Aren't you a cutie? No wonder she was madly in love with you in her teen life...did i interrupt something?"

Kiiara turned her head up to give her sisters glares as she was taken aback by her bluntness.
Her cheeks were turning red as she tried hard to not blush.
"Ugh!!" She grunted

*flashback over*

Shawn's pov:-

What's up with your friend?- alex

Why are you writing it, just speak smartass!-aarav

This is fun and i like throwing the ball pass the tomato queen - alex

Lol true her face is red like a tomato .she is dreaming so absentmindly about something,...any guessing?- aarav

Or someone ;) tomato queen dreaming about her prince charming and we'll be the two dragons who'll bother her way!- alex

Bwahaha i feel like an evildoer! Keep throwing the paper on her face okay?- aarav

I read the paper and chuckle as i imagine kiiara's red cheeks..was she blushing just like she was blushing that night?

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