moonlit stories

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"so I stayed up till like 11:45 pm, talking for two hours about her birthday celebration, dress and how I'll be the first to wish."

The house like a mansion was huge, the curtains white on the large window that enveloped the side walls, were coming in the breeze's way into the room where we were, right now.

Earlier Shawn took us upstairs, when I suggested we could talk to get to know each other better. What a lie, you just can't help but stay.

I clearly had other plans, Plans to tell him, I am not with aarav and then leave. Leave.I had no space for trouble.

But now I am asking for trouble.
Sitting in the same room with the lead star of my teenage fantasy.
The boy who made my 16 year old self fall in love.

Like the million other girls out there.

But is that all he is?

Can I find the lining between an  idol who I was crazy about, or this guy who is listening to me like a child to a bed time story.

  Enjoying every bit of his attention, its all mine. I continue in my oh so exaggerated voice,

"It was afterall a crucial time for our bestfriend's bond, I even had to win against her then boyfriend in the wishing game.
You don't know Shawn it's actually like setting your priority spot. You call first to wish and you win! Bam! you're on the top of the list! Ah the simple school days!"

I take a dramatic long pause,
Is he still watching me? My mind wonders but I can't look at him. I can't feel at ease but still I want to talk and talk just like this forever knowing only I am in his vision.

" And that's how it was going to be if I didn't end up sleeping within the next 15mins of cutting the call for a short  break. It apparently ended up being a very long one, lasting till 4'am,"

"Wow, that's bad" his voice mocked my exaggerated expression

" I remember as soon as my eyes opened, I panicked so much, mom thought I had a nightmare, I told her mom, its nothing compare to what's going to happen, After all I was going to get killed by my best friend"

I felt Shawn's hand patting my head as an assurance that it's okay though I could sense he was trying hard to suffice his laugh.
"So did she kill you?"

"Yeah you're talking to a ghost, Shawn"
Putting his hands in the air, he mock surrendered
"A pretty one is rare to find, man my luck"
winking softly he let out a chuckle.

Why does it seem funny to him, the story is supposed to be sad. Mean

It's weird how I feel this comfortable in his company. Who is this guy?

" But I still had some bravery left in me, so I dialled her phone up" I continued

"In the middle of the night?" He remarked

"Yeap, like an idiot"
he smirked as if in an agreement to what I said,  wow Mean again. but the smirk just makes it all sexy.

Okay control, concentrate, where was the story, ahh

"Okay go ahead, I'm all ears" his husky voice vibrates in the still air and I am enchanted all over again.

"Yeap, I called in hoping she picks up in the middle of the night, but to my surprise, the line was coming busy over and over"

"Why?" he scooped a little closer to me with eagerness, innocent enough to make me feel guilty of my own thoughts.

Thoughts about taking an advantage, maybe. Can't help if my teenage dreams start to fill up my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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