Let's get high

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They often ask why do people always fall in love with the one who breaks their heart?
Well i think people accept the things they think they deserve.

(11:30 pm)

Shawn's pov:-

"Okay now youre gonna witness the performance of the year which will win every bit of your heart, hold your breath cause here she comes...
she announces her own name giggling And I watch her swirl round the streetlamp as we're walking nowhere on an isolated street.
after leaning slightly towards the ground, she does something which appears as if she is trying to greet an imaginary crowd in front of us, although her trembling feet is struggling hard to maintain her equilibrium.

I catch her elbow to help her balance and to save her from the fall which anytime was possible and in return she puts her tongue out teasingly

"Thankyou but you should not touch a......." she trails off to point towards the tiny white lights spread over the skyline, "starrrrrrr" she whispers in my ear slowly as if trying to preserve a big secret and i can't help but take in the smell of her hair falling on my face and the alcholic breath falling on my ears.
The wind was not that chilly though i could feel her shiver maybe cause of the drizzling rain.
She steps away suddenly,

"So do you want to hear it mendes?" She asks with a raised eyebrow and her fingers pressing down her chin.
i nod simply but her contagious grin making me smile wider.

And she starts with her song as she strolls down the streat jumping and dancing like a little kid.

"Who wears baggy shirts, loose shorts and nerd glasses to a party?" I mutter to myself though
I cant help but sense the blasting glow in her eyes behind the glasses and her frizzy hair that's all over her face. She is utterly beautiful but i highly doubt if she knows and cares about it.
I can say that her priorities were way far from vanity and it somehow amuses me. Her body compliments her carefree nature and being with her is fun in a way that it excites me..

Just by knowing what youre,
What you been doing..
I feel like im a part of your life
Though you'll just call me
You'll just call me...

Stopping her song She turns her body in 360 degree and jumps right next to me and starts again to sing but this time she is literally screaming.

A voice that's screaming your name
Through the crowd
And again ill call out for you
Thinking you'll look back
Knowing im just a fan
Im just your fan
Not more than that...
Wishing i could be more than that..

*60 minutes before*

Kiiara's pov
I take deep breathes trying to calm my heart which is literally doing sumersaults in my chest..phew! they didn't see me eavesdropping or it'd be so embarrassing.
Today is officially the worst day!
First those two idiots making a fool out of me.

Second the surprise entry of none other then the one i was trying  hard to ignore since so many days. I was not ready to face him..i mean i was embarrassed of my idiotic behaviour and what my sister told him that night.. I didn't want him to know that i wanted to marry him when i was a teen...i mean people act stupid when they are teens, don't they?

Third Shawn's childishness that i still am completely confused about

Fourth the stupid announcement that in the end of the first round, that moody judge i mean mendes obviously will choose a person who'll Perform with him in one of his concerts ugh!

And to top it all this stupid party which i was literally dragged into by my best friend cause he doesnt want me to die alone and wants me to find a boyfriend..im so happy being alone that i can't let anyone snatch that away from me not even if thor decides to descend on earth again just to make me his girlfriend ....um..no not even then!

I know shawn will never choose me to perform, not after what i just heard
Yeaaa... I was eavesdropping but it was unexpected.
I just happen to be hidding in the cupboard from aarav (who btw is completely drunk) in the same room where shawn came in later when he wanted to talk to someone. I have already replayed the whole conversation so many times in my head specifically to the part where shawn thinks I hate him, I hate him? Do I? Ughh

"Its not that im interested in her in any way but she is different and exciting. Her eyes are not really the same as others who look like they want to swallow me alive...she stares at me more like im not there or something and it makes me curious. I think she hates me and i have never met anyone who hated my guts or me in short!"

"Well she is that kind of a person shawn, ive known her since three years so i better am warning you to not go behind that fool as im your friend now right?. Though we just met but i want you to trust me. Youre too modest to not see someone as a bad person. but she is putting up an act or somekind of play to attract your attention, dont let her succeed!"

" um...ugh..yea....okay let's go and enjoy the party."

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