is it a date?

63 15 13

(11:00 pm)

Shawn's pov,

"Let's go john, don't you see how its raining?"
I beamed at john (bodyguard)
"It's right around the corner shawn, you're acting like a toddler" john replies with his as so usual straight face and tries to pull Me with him but im not in a mood to move an inch so i use all my secret powers and root my legs firmly to the ground.


"You go get the car"
John gives in and as nodding his head he speaks, "ill pull up right here and honk, okay?"

Kiiara's pov;
(Parking space of the alex's house where the party is on)
"Gimme the car keys alex"

"Are you crazy? You can't drive in this state!"

"I dont drive even when im sober, but ive seen my sister do it alot so i know"
I wink at him as i snatch the car keys from alex's finger who is almost choked up.
While entering the car i see the person who just now entered the parking area and i know this is my only  chance so pointing at the person i speak to alex who by the way is as drunk as i am.
"Keep john busy as long as you can....ill see you later darling". i start the car with and drive away somehow in a hurry though everything seems almost blurry.
I'll let you know that i dont hate you!

Shawn's pov:-
(Shawn is standing outside the main gate of the house away from the people and noise as his black jacket is fetched up to cover his head from getting wet in the rain and for screening his face to not make himself much notable)

[Horn honking]

As soon as i hear the honking, i realise what john said and run towards the car in a rush. I settle down quickly  and start  rambling as i try to fix my almost soaked clothes.

"The least you could've done is come get me with the umbrella john, you're just plain rude.......look what a mess i am! Plus parties get me so nervous.
I knew it, ill get drenched completely. I dont like getting wet cause it'll gimme red nose later ugh!
Anyway now you gotta make amends...
don't you know that it takes so less to make me happy? A chocolate chip muffin is enough..  Even two if---"

"Bonjour prince! Hushhhhhhhhhhhh"

I almost jump on the seat as i hear the greeting and
snap my head towards the driver seat almost immediately.
"OH HOLY JESUS what the hell are you doing here!" I screech appallingly.
"Did you just take the name of god in vain? That's really bad shawn" i see her gasp childishly and later she bursts into giggles.
I sputter in amazement  while blinking  my eyelids to see if im not dreaming
"This is incredible.. owe me an explanation"

how can i not realise this isn't John's car?

"No, you're the one who owes me an explanation!
I finally get an interesting stalker and it turns out to be you. I try to fight my arch enemy and you come out as her saviour." She speaks maintaining that flirtatious smirk on her face which glows each time a car passes by.
"Kiia---" i try to intrude but she continues without stopping,

"I ask my bestfriend to bring back the room keys i forget on the ground and you bring them instead. I attend my first lecture and you're there sitting next to me. Now barging in my even turn up in my dreams.......Will you leave me alone mendes?
You've really got a crush on me.
I dont blame you but-----
Alright! At this point i give in. You win!! Sooooo..
Where shall we go prince? To some beach? Do you like beach?"

She stops finally. This girl is crazy.
the need of a pillow to hide my burning cheeks after listening to that speech is so important but i just have to settle with my palm.
She is giggling continuously as she keeps switching her gaze between me and the road. Its shocking, I've mostly seen her frowning so this feels heart warming and new but i am liking it already. .

Shawn Mendes- Its Never The EndWhere stories live. Discover now