"is it really him?"

135 27 2

The dawn comes
then the sunsets
Though its rough now, 
but time never rests
I hope to see what i cant anymore and once wished to see every hour
As the day passes i wish more that they stayed but one Day ill see you again. 


*time skips to when the flight reached new york*

Shawn's pov:-
"Ill pick her up myself"
"Well then ill send a car for you"
"Yeap cool ill be ready in five"

Kiiara's pov:-

The feeling in my heart, it's confusing, im excited but nervous, anxious but calm enough to notice every tiny detail of everything that my eyes fall on and take it in as if this is the only time ill get the chance. Probably.

I've never been able to visit some place out of india, was always so preoccupied but its not like i never wished to.

Now that i have the chance i just want to grab the best of the moments.

We just reached the airport and my stupid brain already started to not function, i am scared but its a good scary feeling. Though I know, this place is going to turn my life somehow, just curious to see how and when.

"Kiiara, can you hear the screams?"
Aarav asked me but his eyes were busy scrolling down the twitter screen on his phone.

"Maybe new york is a loud place"

"Why do i ever expect a smart answer from youu"

He replies with the 'u' letter streched like literally, he is a kid i tell you.

"Exactly why do you?
You do know i always talk in regards to other persons's I.Q, now that im talking to someone stupid like youu i have to choose my answers accordingly"
I revert, in a teasing manner as I flick him on his head and run for my life. I know he is going to come behind me to take revenge cause my flicking always ends up messing his hair. The guy is a freak when it comes to his hair maintenance.

I turn a corner, when i see preteens and teenagers crowding someone, their screams being prominently loud.

Not in terror but fangirl screams.
With words like, omg on repeat.

I look at aarav with a startled face and i know he is confused too.

"What's the big fuss about?"
He asks,
"How would i know?"

"Okay chill, lets take a look"

"I am too tired i dont want to, leave it."

"See it must be someone seriously hot and famous, young too, guessing by the teens here"
the excitement in his voice was clear.

"I dont care dude" I say as i jerk back away from the crowd and stand beside a pillar looking at aarav trying hard to somehow pass through the crazy crowd.
I was in hysterics watching his failed attempts which involved jumping, squishing and in general acting like a monkey.

Nishtha's pov

I can't help but feel stirred, not because of this stupid competition. I have no interest in being a part of it.

Since I was a kid winning and getting what I want was an easy thing and I never had anyone doubt my talent.

As a musician I am what they call gifted, but honestly I don't enjoy competing against people. Cant  we all share the love of something so amazing and enjoy it together.
Sadly I know that's not how it works, you've to be proven best to get people to like you and notice you.
I've strived my bit for keeping that status.

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