fresh start

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Anna's pov:-

I ask As i find myself facing him, the stranger i met few minutes back. It seems like he is in a trance as his lips are sealed tight and an uncomfortable breeze strikes our faces  and i can no longer take the awkward silence or his eyes staring my face blankly
So i speak again,

"Listen i am not interested in having a bodyguard, i can take care of myself and my sister alone."

My words sounds ruder than i thought and i feel  little uneasy  but his eyes suddenly sparkles  and i can imagine a bulb lighting up on top of his head as he replies in hardly few Seconds

how about a tourist guide?"

Kiiara 's pov-

I wait for her to come back,  i know how much i suck in awkward situations so i decide to wait for her to come back.  I snuck up my phone to see the time and i notice the notification of 6 text messages and as i try to unlock the screen, i see my sister walking towards me and that strange following her.

Dont tell me they fell in love already ughhhh!

"Why is he coming?" I ask in the lowest tone

"Tourist guide" she answers and i see the guy with a huge smile plastered on his face which kinda makes him look like a creep

"Is that his job oooooh crap and i thought he liked you so he was following, people can be unpredictable!" I say with a surprise look and my sister taps my head with her knuckle

"Shut up idiot " she snaps
And i hear the guy chuckle.

"Im kyle"
He says in the happiest voice as we lumber through the crowd

"Kiiara" i reply as i stretch my hands motioning towards a handshake but he instead pulls me in a friendly hug and though from far his features seemed so muscular but he feels like a teddy bear woah
"Nice to meet you kiiara!"
I laugh at his sudden gesture and he tossels my hair like im a small kid.. ugh im 20!

"Find us a cool place for lunch, im starving mr. Guide!"

I hear my sister's command and i see a pout on his face but it vanishes within a second

"Yes mam!" He replies. And we start following him.

Shawn's pov

"What sir?"

"You dont have to call me  sir dear."


"You can call me uncle, youre as young as my daughter so i consider you like a son"

"Oh okay as you say, uncle" i say and he passes me a warm smile.

"Very well, so yea my daughter.  She is finding it difficult to make any friends here so she requested me to ask you this as a favour"


I planned to go and apologise to the girl who i mistook for nishtha and later bumped into with my car, god i feel so terrible but now i cant.

I wish i could reject this favour, i hate shopping anyways though nistha is sweet and i really do enjoy her company but helping her shop is too awkward ugh i need a way out. I can't stay this anxious but it wont even go away till i apologise to that strange girl, i remember how pissed she was...

"So will you do it?"

"Yes ill pick her up right away and we'll reach back before the jamming so that she doesn't miss it"
I complete my sentence with a smile and leave the room

I guess i should at least text her sorry, i do have her number by accident.
I just hate being a reason for someone's anger.

Shawn Mendes- Its Never The EndWhere stories live. Discover now