The day im doomed!

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Tell me, I'll be found
If I say where I am
Tell me, will it be fine?
If I get a bit lost tonight
My eyes are closed..
But here the dark feels comforting

This night is frozen
As the stars can't aligin
But when it does
I'll be in a red dress
Looking at you, as I'll say this is my place
And I'll rule this night
Ill rule my dark side

"You think we will be selected?"
"Ohh I'm so sure that I will, you should maybe practice a little more. "

I hear Nishtha, our student body president tell her friend standing outside the audition hall.
Although she was talking to her friend but it felt like she was mocking me somehow.

'Ohh I'm sooo suree blah blah blah ablah ghhhhh' i repeat Nishtha's line, mimicking her fake Australian accent in my head not aloud obviously, She would kill me if I dared to.

She is so lucky that she doesn't have to worry about the audition..she is talented as well as her status as the daughter of our rich principal pays you off really well.

The thing is I don't like that girl, like I normally don't have arch enemies but she stole my best friend from me, Saniya.
She was my best friend when I first joined this college and we hit it off really well in the first year.

She had a crush on this guy named Nikunj who was really close to me so I used to help her get noticed by him... she was one hell of a piece!

She used to stay with me always and we used to help each other by not letting other people who  hated on us, bother us.
it was always 'us' until one day she told me I was too clingy and left me out of nowhere.

I still miss her but I don't think she does, just watching her ignore me and go behind Nishtha. It kinda makes me feel  insecure about myself.

But its her choice, that's exactly what life is, it's the choices we make!

"Kiiara Can youuuu hearrr whatttt I'm sayingggg??"

I feel like an earthquake arrived but later i realise its Aarav who is shaking me up while he is talking in a slow robotic voice.

Maybe I again got lost in my dream world.
this happens whenever I am worried or scared about something And I am both of them right now!


"Hush I thought I lost you there" he says in a dramatic way.
He is always like this, idiotic and crazy..

He pulls me into the auditorium as I watch so many students sitting waiting for their turn to come for the audition.

"Don't worry I spoke to the supervisors and your turn will come in around 15 mins approx, just sit here and wait okay? And all the best! You'll rock it!"

Aarav exclaims as he winks at me and suddenly disappears in the crowd before I could utter something.

I turn to see if I know anybody which I already can guess  that I don't maybe cause I am so antisocial.

but then my eyes fall on  Nikunj standing at a corner with his gf, who is crying,she didn't get in I guess.

Should I go console her?
But then damn that'll be me after a few minutes for sure so what's the use!

I decide to just close my eyes, hide my face in my palms and just bury deep inside my seat till they call my name and that's when I hear.

"Kiiara, you're next, get ready"

I am....wasn't I suppose to wait for 15 minutes??

Jeez, I'm so nervous that I might just fall on my knees if I try to get up.

I am the girl who shivered even when she tried to play a song for a friend on her birthday in front of the people she knew!
And now so many unknown faces, ogling at me while I sing a stupid modified version of a classic hit song; 'Hallelujah'.

I bend a bit to check if any of the student standing in the audience have a tomato or an egg to throw at me, if they hate my voice.
  No they don't have anything to throw, phew!

But ugh c'mon I can do this just use what Anna says 'whenever you're scared imagine you're singing to a herd of pigs and their door-knob shaped noses'

I smile a little at the imagination as I slowly walk on the stage and stand in the corner waiting till the girl who is singing to complete.

"Great job! You can check the charts of the selected participants later. NEXT!"

I feel a knot in my throat as I walk towards the mike
Oh lady luck please favour me!

As I can barely breath so without even introducing myself to the judges I just start singing..... from a slow pace to the fast chorus... my eyes are closed but a feel a sudden boost of confidence inside me and it feels like I will just flow with the moment and I continue singing.

Everything seems quiet and all I can hear is my own voice echoing in the auditorium.
Is it really that quite here? or am I just enjoying myself too much to care about any other noise.

A big smile spreads on my face and I don't realise when I start moving my body around the stage in a way how the lyrics of the song goes.

I must be looking really idiotic but at this point, I don't care!

The song is almost about to end so with a little tinge of my finger I end the last words in a tone but suddenly I feel something crash against my toe and


I scream while trying to keep my balance but I fall off the stage.

Too much for not screwing up the audition!

I hear people gasping, no I cant handle this.... I should just run.

I somehow get up holding only one slipper in my hand, I cant find the other one so I just run off from there, fumbling through the crowd, with full speed towards the next and the last stop, MY ROOM!

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