no way no!

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"Can you pull up the cab here please?"

"No no no no what's wrong with you!? Campus is too far from here!--"

"So..i know that" my sister anna shrugs

"Sir don't mind her you drive- w......hat mo..veee ughhhhhhh"

I try to speak but she puts her hand on my mouth and gives a tap on the shoulder of the cab driver as a signal to stop the car and he does.

My body is crushed to the door as i try to get off my sister's control.

For someone who appears fragile my sister sure knows how to hold a grip on someone.

The car soon stops, my sister opens the door which makes me loose my balance and i literally fall off the car
and like in queue she starts laughing like a Satan's laugh.

"Bitch! Im going to kill you" my voice yelling at her for the whatever just happened

"Not today, someday else we'll try okay?"And she winks while pulling off her luggage from the trunk of the cab.

"I have to be there by evening. Ann, why can't we just go to the dome? Aren't you tired?"

"I am but i can't wait, I know your next time will never come"

"Where are we going but?" I ask with a pout and arms around my waist as she pulls me towards her and screams in my ear

"Who knows!!" Sheer excitement flashes on her face and mine is just opposite
"Seriously" I ask giving up.

i wish i knew what goes in that pea sized brain of her's

"YESSS!" She is still screaming.

Soon she starts walking away in some direction.

"let me catch another cab for myself, you can go where you like i am not coming with you. you know."

"You're coming with me lil sis" she comes back just to drag me with her.

Today my sister came to new york like how it was decided and i had to pick her up from the airport because she didnt know where is the university.

Then suddenly in the cab she started acting all crazy about how she wants to wander around and see new york. Of course I said no but I. The end here we are, and its been 15 minutes since we left the cab and im so tired but she somehow still look into the whole idea.

Sometimes i love her flow and spontaneous plan but right now all i wanna do is commit a crime by killing her.

We are walking down this random street, in a strange lane and some antique shops are surrounding the road. Each having their display to the point of perfection. They all look so old but precisely beautiful, clung together to each other with the tree's leaves and flowers covering their doorsteps.
And at a distance, almost like you'll miss it, is a lonely looking busstop.
Hardly a soul standing there.

I hear my sister scream once again, I turn to look around to see what's there to run away from, a killer? A stalker? A dog?



Bus which one?

(a bus passes by)

Oh.. okay.

I start running for no reason behind my sister as if my life depends on catching a random bus, holding her luggage.

Yes i am holding her luggage!

The bus is far from us as it stops at the bus stop,



We reach near the bus and my sister tries to catch the side handle of the bus with one hand and with other she is holding me.

Suddenly a strange arm pulls us both inside the bus as the bus's door shuts close.

" wow!" I say as i try catching my breath, "that was close!"

My sister pulls me into a hug as she starts laughing in the creepiest way possible
"That indeed was fun bro!"

"Bro? We guys dont help pretty girls just to hear them call us their brother"

The stranger exclaims and i chuckle as I take notice of the man who helped us get in the bus without getting clamped by the door or falling off.

My sister looks up through her hooded lashes, at the fine looking gentle man too.

"Well thankyou for your kindness and help and yeah i was talking to her"
She replies as i look at her give the strange guy a smirk

"Cold" i pretend to cough a bit and the guy smiles showing all his teeth.

Okay that was cute, should i smile back? what is my sister doing?

I look at my sister, her cheeks are slightly flushed, but she tries hard to put up a straight face.

oh yeah, she sucks at talking to strangers too, just like me. specially if it's someone hot.

he is hot, 6'1"foot tall, dark brown eyes and a well defined jawline definitely makes him look like a hunka hunk, lol.
God bless America.

"Do you know where this bus is going?"

I ask breaking the silence and even because I'm worried I won't make it in time for the jamming.

"Nope, no idea." The stranger replies with the most casual voice

"Wth! Are you sure?
You dont know where this bus is going then why on earth are you on it!"

I bust as im FREAKING OUT

He stretches the alphabet 'y', like Aarav does.
And slowly he turns to look at my sister who is looking elsewhere as if she doesn't care.

"Whose plan was it ? Your miss?"
He arches his left eyebrow as another question more like a sarcasm comes out of him.

His gaze is clearly making my sister nervous.

"Kiiara let's get down at the coming stop." Blatantly ignoring the stranger's question, my sister suggest out of the blue and i dont even feel like to argue anymore so i follow her command without any word.

The bus stops as we reach the stop and i try looking out to see the place where we are, it seems like a busy street with a huge crowd. Lord knows where we are.

"Want a company, I'm bored anyways. promise i wont be a problem"

What is really up with this strange guy, isn't he trying to be too friendly?
Like what's up dude?

but im sure as hell my sister will turn his offer down, lol.

"What if youre a psycho or murderer. Worst if you're both, who knows?"
She winks completing her sentence and im just standing there dumbfounded, what is going on.

"Bye" one last word from her mouth as she pulls me off the bus and starts dragging me away in the crowd and i turn to see the guy following us, this is not good.

"I don't guarantee anything. Though i do know new york very well and im not as harmful as you might find some people out here to be, specially for"
Can't help wonder, won't people think why he is talking to himself in the middle of the crowd?

New york is weird. First a strange stretch of texts from someone pretending to be Shawn Mendes and now this good-looking guy trying to be over friendly,
Glad my sister won't give in to someone hot, easily,

My sister wait, hold on why dont i feel someone pulling me?

I turn my head and damn WHERE IS THIS WOMEN NOW!

" for?"

That was her voice, shit. Have mercy.

I look around and find her standing face to face with him.

I know, he is good looking but
we don't even know his name. I'm definitely missing my first jam, why God?.

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