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Author's note.

I'm kinda admitted in the hospital so its really tough to update and even my chapters might sound a little dirty and crappy but please dont stop reading and ignore the mistakes. Once im all well and back home ill surely take care of it all. :D

[The next day]


Kiiara's pov

After spending the entire day sleeping in my room and trying to get my head freaking fixed from the hangover I skip out into the hall letting the fresh chilled air hit my face. My nose itches in reflex to the cold and I sneeze twice and if I were looking at the mirror I would've seen my nose getting rosy pink cause of my hand rubbing it.

With another hand I'm clutching the jacket I found myself wearing in the morning when I woke up, of some good stranger who I guess brought me back to my room knowing I was not in my senses, I wish I could remember who it was. Why am i still wearing the jacket? Because its warmer and has this faint minty smell that somehow helps me keep my serenity. I frown as again the flashes of last night cross my mind I can only remember the part where I was sober everything else is just blank. I spent most of my day trying to strip down Nistha's words.

Why would she mention Aarav making a choice between her and me like we are not even fighting for same the position. If she wanted him as a boyfriend then what was the problem ugh?

I love Aarav too but... but our relationship is completely platonic and I guess even he knows that so why didnt he eever tell me about the choice he made?.....the thing is my cynical brain can't help but think about the worst possibilities. What if Aarav loves me more than like his best friend? And I, like a fool, was always oblivious ?
I shake my head strongly to slide the thoughts away cause I dont ever wanna be the one to break his heart ugh..I need to confront Aarav to kill all these stupid theories but I can't face him with my sizzled brain being in such a bad mood.
I lightly stride through the hall making sure nobody sees me and sneak out of the dorm building through the fire escape.
I'm in no mood to face Nistha either.


Bending slightly I look inside the music room to see if someone was there inside, luckily I find it empty and my heart flutters with happiness as I walk towards the one thing that has the power to cool me off from all my thoughts.
I pull off the silky white cloth that was covering the wooden instrument, to save it from the dust and
Sowly pulling the chair I fix myself properly to sit and after settling down I adjust my fingers on the black and white keys of the huge piano.
Humming a tune that was playing in my mind since morning, I start playing one key at a time, the tone of each key synchronised with the previous one. A smile turns up my lips and eventually I catch up on the pace as lyrics starts escaping my mouth with eagerness.

I'm living through pictures

Replaying all the good stuffs

Wondering how i got so lucky

To have someone like you to hold me

But somehow it'll all get messy

Dont wanna loose a friend so please

I wish we could stay just like this

After playing the piano for 15 minutes I feel relaxed and I know this effect of music is really astonishing.
I stop couple of minutes later and decide to go back as I'll miss the dinner too just like breakfast and lunch which I can't afford if I want to keep myself alive.


Author's pov

As he opens the door of the cafeteria every head turns to look at him, while girls as if it were their normal routine, start following him as he walks in. Some of them gasp in wonder as to why is the popstar eating in the cafeteria tonight?

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