love it!

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(Author's pov)
Coming here for something so major like this music competition,
Getting to finally show the talent she always had in her somewhere buried deep by the time.
Living alone in a strange country,
It was all part of big impossible dream she always had in back of her head and when it was all turning in reality, she was scared but nothing was as shocking as tonight.
Tonight, she was in a room alone with shawn mendes
her long lost celebrity crush though over the time she grew past him but there was a time when she would literally imagine what she'd do and be like when she ever meets him for real, how she would make him fall in love with her but then he seemed so far and almost unreachable!

Though now the same shawn was sitting right in front of her and it was all caused by an accident?
'Should she be considering herself lucky that it happened?
Should she be acting a little more dialed up and not as comfortable as she is?
Why does he seem just like a normal guy?
The way he's speaking softly but in a concerned voice, is this really how shawn is? Is he really here?

Busy in her thoughts Unknowingly Her fingers pokes the cheek of the guy who is busy talking or apologising
he looks at her as his eyebrows are knitted in confusion.
"Why'd you do that?" He asks in shock
She blinks as her trance is broken.
She replies trying to avoid his piercing eyes.
he can't help but notice how nervous she is,
and so he plans to mock her innocence.
"You can't touch me without permission!" He exclaims in a high tone to scare her though
How hard he's trying to not laugh.

She shudders in embarrassment
"S..sorry..i didnt mean..i wont do that again!" She stammers as her face turns red and its easy to tell she's blushing.

he tries to figure out what is going on in that head of her's that's making her put such an expression,
'but god she looks so cute' he mumbles to himself as he gives up on his controlling ability and The room fills with shawn's laughter instantly

"What?" She asks as She blinks in confusion

"I didn't know you were this shy
He grins playfully as he adds
"In real life"

"Whatever" she scoffs to show least interest though her face clearly tells how baffled she is by the whole situation.

"Are you always like this miss freak?" He asks still giggling

"Like what!?" She replies almost immediately

"So silly" he answers as if its the most obvious thing

"You can't call me that when you yourself are giggling over no damn reason like a total freak!"

"Aye! You didn't see the look you had on your face so you won't get it.."
She passes him a bored look and in return he gives him a wide smile knowing that it'd bother her more.
And it does,
Her heart is pounding and she is worried
If he'll notice how much effect just his warm smile holds on her.
'But he must be used to it?
Girls going crazy behind him..
Isn't this awkwardly weird that the guy who must be having girls lined up not to mention girls with better looks and skills dying in his love, is watching my face so casually.

Can't he see this as a big deal, the fact that he is sitting in my room just few metres away as if its so normal for us.' The questions keeps crossing her mind but she keeps pushing them aside
He speaks again, " so where i was? Yea your boyfriend, nistha saw him running so she stopped him to ask why and then he explained that-.........

She can't put a finger on exactly what she's feeling and though trying hard to concentrate on his words but again a strange worry crosses her mind
'Is my face too pale?
Is my sweater smelling?
My hair must look like a birds nest!'

"And so im here, expecting you to forgive my really sorry for whatever happened, This is not a prank i promise!"
Kiiara's pov:-

Honestly i can't concentrate, he himself is a biggest distraction in the whole set up of this big fuzzy room.
The glowing face with slight shade of tan with little drops of sweat dripping from the edges maybe because he came here running, he has the certain aura
And id lie if i say he's not hot but im trying to smother those thoughts. I can't be attracted to him, i am feeling special but then its only just for tonight from tomorrow, ill be again just another noone who he wont notice as ill mix up in the crowd.

"Im not a jerk" he mutters under his breath in his deep husky voice, i swear im too embarrassed, my voice sounds so childish compare to him.

. I notice suddenly that im shivering,

I dont know what to blame, The window which is allowing the chilled night wind to drop in or the strands of his brown hair tickling my chin.

im sitting on the bean bag beside the bed and
He is sitting on the edge of the bed with his body leaning towards me making his head reach almost beneath my chin.

He is looking down as his hands are closed tightly..

Wait what! He was few metres away just a minute back sitting on the bed nicely and now suddenly he is on the corner closing even the few meter gap that we had

I shake my head to try to concentrate on what he is saying as he turns his head up to look at me.

Why didnt i ask him to do this outside the room under dim light, it would've been way better then this.

"So everything is sorted right my friend?? "

Friend? Huh? Wait no i can't be his friend! Im not qualified to be his friend this guy is drunk i swear!

'We're poles apart' my mind know that....
Friends are made with people who youre not nervous around and feel free with but
shawn, he was the reason for the goosebumps on my skin, i can't even sit next to him without worrying about billion things for that matter..

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