am i?

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Kiiara's pov,

After what it feels like a decade of running i finally reach my dorm room. Trust me i am too influenced by the movie 'forest gump', so i runaway whenever im about to loose my control over a situation.

I feel my eyes burning with unseen tears, this is how it always goes. I can't cry whenever im sad like normal girls and people think im too strong but i really doubt it!

I dont have the key to my dorm room, i forgot my guitar case which had my keys too on the ground.
Its so frustrating,
I feel a knot in my throat and shake my head to let all the thoughts vanish.

I call aarav to tell him about the guitar case and he picks up immediately,
"Kiiara!! Where the hell are you?? I was getting sick worried when you didn't return!"

"Hello aarav...sorry i just..i felt sick so i came back to the dorm but i forgot my guitar case which has my room keys on the ground, can you bring it here please? "

"You're acting really weird....ill be there!!"

"Um okay"
And he cuts the call,

i fidget with my fingers for awhile as im too tired and bored just sitting there replaying whatever happened in the last 15 minutes

I suddenly get this curiosity build up in my head so i open my phone screen and this time i start texting fake shawn,

I need to know where did you get that picture from? And what were you planning to do with the pictures?

you dont seem that bad to me for some reason i dont know, so i just wanna give you a warning
If you love shawn, youve to respect his privacy!

Btw i got accused of being a stalker by shawn's girlfriend and he walked in when that happened.
And if you that's worse then know  now im stuck outside my dorm room cause my roomkey is in the guitar case i left on the ground..yeah I did come for the jamming though I thought the only worse thing that could happen to me would be you, damn my luck lol, guess I don't mind getting kidnapped😂, come get me haha.

When im done typing i send it to fake shawn and a laughter escapes my mouth but it reflects my sadness.

(15minutes later)

I see a running shadow at a distance and i get up from where i was sitting to look closely and it seems like a guy's figure so i assume its aarav

In no time the figure reaches to where im standing and embraces me into a hug before i can comprehend, its dark and i can barely notice who it is, he's breathing heavily against my body, i wonder from how far did the person come all the way running.
A strange minty smell spreads in the thick air and
I notice the colour...its black
Last time i remember aarav was wearing light blue shirt
My heart jolts in my chest as im frozen in the same position, who am i hugging ?

"Im so sorry it was all my fault!!" The person finally speaks and i can sense the hurried but a similar voice
Involuntarily i feel my heart beat racing when a sudden realisation strikes me off my feat!
Is this?

My fickle heart pushes him away and for some reason he jerks back immediately,

I love surprise hugs but this one had the potential of giving me a heart attack!
My eyes widen as i see his face.

Its definitely him! Why is he giving me a hug, did he mistake me for someone
What the fuck.

"Me..n..des?" i feel breathless.
Calm down kiia-calm down calm down, i slowly start chanting in my head.
Am I day dreaming, wait night dreaming, wait whattt?

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