he didn't?

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Shawn's pov:-

Just by knowing what youre,
What you been doing..
I feel like im a part of your life
Though you'll just call me
You'll just call me...

Stopping her song She turns her body in 360 degree and jumps right next to me and starts again to sing but this time she is literally screaming.

A voice that's screaming your name
Through the crowd
And again ill call out for you
Thinking you'll look back
Knowing im just a fan
Im just your fan
Not more than that...
Wishing i could be more than that..

Though she was high and chirpy a minute before screaming in my ears but the last part was smooth and low. As her voice fell on my ears i was shocked at how bewitching it sounded as her eyes gazed at me with this meaningful look that was trying so hard to convey something but soon it ended leaving me wanting more. More.
"Wow, that was..i..um..you're really good at this kiiara. You must really adore the pop-singer you wrote this for."

"I used to...not anymore" she shrugs  casually trying hard to suppress her giggles as her hazel eyes meet my Brown ones though I gulp at her words  feeling a little bitter and hurt.
"why not now? It just doesn't feel right, don't you think?" I ask slowly though i can't hide my hyper tone and she looks at me with wide eyes as she flusters her eyelashes in mock innocence,
"People change when they get fame and--"
A slight sound of her grumbling belly stopes her in the middle as she clutches her stomach tightly. "Kiiara is hungry! Get me muffins" she complains pouting and i can't help but chuckle

"We can take kiiara back to the party. there she'll surely find food to suffice her hunger, what say?"

"I'LL DRIVE" she instantly  screams.
"How about i drive and you sleep after eating this..." i trail off creating a bit suspense as her eyes are eagerly waiting for my hands which are inside my pocket. I remove kitkat which i stuffed before leaving the party knowing that ill get hungry on my way back but i guess she needs it more now. "Deal?" I ask her looking in her twinkling eyes which looking tired and fluffy as immediately her hands takes the chocolate from me.
"Thankyou prince!" She squeezes me in a teddy bear kinda hug and then hopes away like humming something in her own world
"I have never been with anyone so silly" i mutter to myself as i laugh a lil while walking towards the car parked in the middle of the road.


"Can you sprinkle me in pixie dust and make me believe. Believe this is not, just another dream?"smiling  angelically at me she asks as her eyes look pretty impressed that whatever she just spoke rhymed perfectly.

I pinch her arm slightly and she yelps in pain "ouch haw!"
"There you go..its not a dream my princess"
Her fake frown doesn't last longer as her face lights up again with her smile as she covers herself completely with my jacket, feeling the coziness and warmth.  It slowly turns quiet. Couple of minutes later  i turn my head in her direction to watch the sleeping ball and she is sound asleep.
I realise ive never driven in such a stormy night of dark velvety black layer and pouring rain.
Not atleast with a drunk girl sleeping on the side seat shawn.
I abruptly remind myself as i start smiling like an idiot.
After a long twenty minute silence, i start humming something random But eventually i endup with a new melody by the time we almost reach the venue where the party was, which takes away most of my attention that i dont notice the crowd gathered around the house. But suddenly the flashing lights and the loud noise of camera clicking gets me out of the happy zone and fills me up with panic. I hear footsteps of people running towards the car and i try hard to not shield my eyes from the blinding flashlights. Many reporters are running behind the car snapping pictures and at times i really feel that no matter how long it has been but i can never handle paparazzi. Luckily kiiara's face is covered with the jacket so it might not be visible in the camera. I dont want her to get in any sort of discomforting attention. Think fast if you dont want her to be on the handlines tomorrow.  I start searching through the crowd for any familiar face as i carefully drive through the crowd taking major care to not hurt anybody. A little far i see a figure which appears like John's so i park the car on the side and try calling him.
"Hello john?"
"Shawn are you alright boy? Where did you go?"

"I am all fine. Kinda stuck with the reporters buzzing on my car door, come fast"

"Ye..a" and with that i cut the call as i gently tuck kiiara out of seatbelt trying hard not to wake her up but the noise is making things really hard.

Her eyes opens up slightly as if checking for safety before she can open them completely but the flashlights scares her and she shuts her eyes back again.

"What's all the fuzz about?"

"Shush nothing just ill ask john to drive you home okay! He's coming"

"Hmm" she mumbles lowly

Shawn Mendes- Its Never The EndWhere stories live. Discover now