"disapproving last night" - jammin 2

65 19 8

So baby be the life of the party

I can't help but feel my heartbeat race so fast,
My eyes were closed the whole time he was singing. And i swear in that moment i felt infinite.

A wide smile parts my lips as i take a deep breath in the end of the song

This was something i never would've predicted a month before, i pinch myself lightly to see if its not just another dream but this time it does hurt and not like all other times when i wake up in my bedroom with the realisation that it was only just a dream.

"I have no words to describe how amazing that was..but now we know how high the bars are for this competition, we are so glad that you'll be the judge..any words shawn for the. Participants?"

The speaker says and i finally look at shawn.
He is calm and i realise  he looks insanely  hot though i used to see him everyday  in pictures but in reality he's way more..
wearing a long black shirt which hugs him perfectly with sleeves rolled up till his elbow.
His hair looks unkempt and messy though somehow it suits him. His well defined jaw-

"Wasn't he awesome!?"aarav asks out of nowhere. I feel butterflies infiltrate my belly. I turn away, hiding my blush and get up.
What the hell am i thinking dumbo!

Shawn's pov:-

"I just wanted to say .... sing from your heart, it doesn't matter what you feel but if you can sing your emotions aloud you will surely reach your listener's. .all the best guys, dont forget to have fun with music!"

I exclaim in the most energetic voice though inside my head i feel really low.
i pass back the mike to jennie, she gives me an encouraging  pat on the back as she starts saying some other things to everyone,
i try to concentrate but i can't.


How dumb i am! I don't know her name..
If i did i could've searched her easily,
But what's the use mendes she thinks you're some stalker she should protect herself from.
Oh god, its stupid! Why why why?

I don't know why im getting so desperate but its something i can't understand, i dont understand!
Since the time i asked her to meet me.

I have thought of so many possibility of how she would be in person that im literally craving to know that arrogant miss freak!
How can she lie like that?
Its jamming if she loves music she obviously must be here...

I guess i should just forget about her.. she'll never believe me and even if she does she thinks shawn is  a jerk.

I sigh with an undesirable emotion that makes me heavy from inside

And the whole time i can hardly pay any attention to the people performing. Time passes lil by lil and i don't know but i feel the urge to leave..i know its rude but i dont really feel good.

"Jackie, where's nistha?"

I ask the girl sitting next to me in a voice which obviously doesn't help but make her notice that im not in good mood

."she said she'll be back in a minute why? is everything okay?"

I just met jacklene an hour ago so it doesn't really seem normal if i tell her how im feeling. So i simply move my head left and right as a sign that nothings wrong

"Im leaving, if you find her, can you tell her to call me?"

I mumble  and she looks me in the eye with concern.
I didn't notice untill now that just like her hair even her eyes are reddish in shade..wow!

Shawn Mendes- Its Never The EndWhere stories live. Discover now