chapter 25th

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Author's note.
Hello all my awesome readers! I hope youre liking this book so far though a twist is soon to be expected bwahaha. I am just glad few people read what I type and my book just hit 1.58k so woah!!!!!! Thankyou so much!
Important thing I wanted  to let you guys know that recently I received a direct message from one of my reader and she asked me few questions about the story as she felt confused kinda

You  people might have some questions regarding the chapters or plot so if you do you can surely comment! Okay time for the story to resume:-

(2014 past time)

"Kia can you please stop?"
That was the fifth time I heard her scream but I still didnt care to stop instead I increased the volume and started jumping and dancing even more. I know im too fat so I can easily cover up the entire television screen and block anna's view just by moving my hips around which I am apparently doing right now.
"You know this song comes on for like 'n' number of time but how come youre never tired of it?"

"It's shawn babes!" I wiggle my head waiting for the chorus to come as im keenly watching the tv screen.

I ll be here in stiches!"
I sing along as I finally fall down on the bed next to My sister who is giving me looks as if im the weirdest person alive but guess who is too happy to not care?

"Now you can change the channel" I shrug casually and walk towards my room.
" thankyou for moving your fat ass away from the tv and my room.
God knows what goes inside you whenever his song comes up! I guess we have to visit some mental asylum For your treatment lil sister"

She keeps on with her blabbering but in return all I do is shut the door of my room loud enough for her to realise that I dont care.

Its 6pm and I have a lot of homework left to do.
But I can hardly concentrate! A week back I found shawn mendes through some youtube covers and damn I was so impressed that now I even have a picture of the guy stuck up on my wall.
Looking at the picture wall I start talking to it like an habit that I developed lately


I promise you some day ill be around,

To let you keep me safe, keep me sound.

I know im acting a lil crazy

I dont know but I just cant slow it down.

So I made you a piece of my heart

Thinking my faith wont change

That ill meet you someday

And then ill never be alone

If only there was an easy way to become a popstar or become something big so that I could court you mendes ugh. All I am is a talentless creep who writes stupid song which eventually  gets erased from my memory crazy this is that I know your life history, everything bout you now but you dont even know someone like me exist somewhere. You are about to be a celebrity and im just a reckless spec of dust. I wish I get the chance to do something music. Oh how I wish I could make them hear  what I wrote and be liked for it but I guess ill have to strive too much and be of your level, to reach you. My new love mendes!"

Shawn Mendes- Its Never The EndWhere stories live. Discover now