ready for the sweet torture?

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Shawn's pov:-
Everybody stops with their hysterical laughter when she settles in her seat again after chasing aarav and alex. She's still embarrassed, i can tell just by the look on her face and i know its bad but i like this look of her's.

"So tomato queen...Now that you've scared them away, do you mind if i take the seat next you? I ask her gently though a mischievous grin is plastered on my face
i take the seat before she could utter a word.

'Scheme 101 on the roll' i whisper to myself as a devious excitement fills in my head.

I remember this morning i took special care to crash into her like this so that in no way she could escape from me.
She had to repay for not acknowledging me at all..
Honestly even i dont know why i was so bothered, its not that im interested in her and i utterly was joking when i asked her to go out with me once. Honestly even i have no clue why'd i say such a thing to her cause untill now i have only dated the girls i really was into and not strangers. Yeap! I hardly know her but still i felt frustrated. How dare she? Was the only question that rung in my head since past few days but im confused if im mad because of the question how dare she ignore me? or because how dare she refused to everything i asked her.
I really thought the next day i could go talk to her again after that night but lil did i know that my miss freak was planning on otherwise. She ignored me like i never existed and trust me she's so good at it. I tried to chase her so many times but she'd vanish away eventually. I felt hurt and frustrated for some reason But now target is under radar, she has to face the wrath of my frustration finallyy!
I turn my face to look at kiiara to see her already staring at me with her wide brown eyes and her jaw wide open in surprise.
I sigh contently at my success of shocking her yet again.
"Close your mouth, you might catch a fly."
I say holding a smirk on my lips and Kiiara snaps her jaw close as she looks away from me though i can notice a slight blush creeping up her cheeks.

After a couple of seconds she turns her head back at me, blush still apparent on her cheeks.
"Why are you sitting next to me?" She asks,
"I like the view better from here." I simply reply looking into her chocolaty eyes.
She scoffs and asks another question as if we're playing some quiz.
"Being the judge, dont you know the instructions already?"
"We are not friends right?..i dont talk to strangers sorry!" I shrug nonchalantly when my eyes fall on her nose which seems restless as few strands of her hair are falling on them.
A mischievous idea pops in my head as a smirk spreads on my face, you didnt want me around.. so lets see how you like this miss freak?

i move closer to her face suddenly and she stiffens in her seat
With my fingers after lifting the strand of her hair lightly from her nose, i tuck them behind her lil ears
And kiiara's face turns red as she diverts her eyes from my gaze and starts fidgeting with the pen.

Her lil ear as i thought can hardly hold all the hair strands, which results into them falling back again on her face making my efforts go all in waste.

She looks at me again as a little smile curves her lip innocently cause of my fail attempt but soon it drops and she quickly looks away.

"Alright guys we'll watch a documentary which will easily explain the entire concept of the competition to you all!" jennie explains as she glares at me teasingly
In couple of minutes she starts the documentary and turns off the lights in the room before passing me a wink.
Kiiara is eyeing me suspiciously so i look at her from the corner of my eye and she immediately turns her head back to the screen

Author's pov
'He is planning something i swear, there is no way she would wink at him without any reason. God dammit why does he have to sit beside me and why the hell do we have to watch the stupid documentary'

Kiiara growls inside her head as she eyes shawn suspiciously. Her stomach is fluttering with weird excitement at shawn's proximity and the smirk on his face wasnt helping her situation much.

Shawn catches her staring at him again but he ignores her piercing eyes and starts pretending to watch the screen with full concentration. After few minutes kiiara starts relaxing since shawn seemed to be engrossed in the documentary.
Leaning back in her chair she sighs in relief and starts to concentrate on the projector.
Kiiara starts mumbling whatever is written on the screen to herself
'Um Rules:-
1st round:
-from each group of 30 participants only 15 will be allowed to proceed to the next round.
-each group will have to prepare 6 performances, where each performance will contain 5-'
Suddenly she yelps in her seat in surprise as she feels something moving across her feat.
Shawn keeps pretending like nothing happened, looking straight at the screen with complete focus but kiiara could see a smile playing on his lips.
"What the hell mendes?"
She hisses as she moves in her seat trying to adjust.
"Whatt? why do you keep talking to me?"
He answers in an irritated voice as he turns his head to look at her
"Move your leg"
Kiiara speaks as she glares at shawn but he simply rolls his eyes back to the screen.
"I felt like to stretch my shush let me pay attention"
'Ugh' she grumbles under her breath and decides to ignore him and his feat. Kiiara starts her mumbling again
But Few minutes later again she yelps but this time it was caused by a poke on the side of her tummy(the ticklish part).
She snaps her head towards shawn as her eyes look at the brown head suspiciously but seeing that he is not giving her an ounce of his attention she leans back on her seat quietly fuming..
Couple of minutes later shawn pokes her again making her jump on the seat due to which the entire class starts eyeing her in confusion as if she is gone crazy or something.

"kiiara i know you're a bit too excited for the competition" He speaks loud enough but calmly" but you dont have to hop like that on your seat." He adds while cocking his head at kiiara and smiling devilishly.
Her face is red by the touch of his finger but she shakes her head trying to push away all the idiotic feelings and moves her seat a bit further from shawn wordlessly.
Though even this attempt of her fails as couple of minutes later suddenly she feels shawn's fingers on her back drawing small circles. Kiiara notices her body shivering on his touch 'uh oh' she whispers to herself and turns her head slightly to question the madman sitting beside her.
"What do you think youre doing mendes?" she asks in a low but firm tone.
"Im drawing alphabets so that you can guess the movie's name which they make " he speaks innocently
"I am not playing any stupid can you keep your hands to yourself?" She exclaims but seeing shawn smirk she realises soon
"Ew that came out wrong ugh" she stutters
"Lol!" Shawn laughs inwardly.

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