Chapter 6

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Kai's P.O.V

I look out the window waiting for Ava to show up. She texted me saying she will show up later because she wants me to tell her everything about Nick.

" Do you want me to stay?" Selena asked and I debate about it in my head.

If she stays with Andrew then Ava will ask her a lot of questions.

" No, go and take Andrew with you. I will pick him up tomorrow " I said getting up. He was currently sleeping in her arms. I kiss his forehead and then hug Selena bye.

She quickly left as I continue to wait for Ava. If she finds out the truth , she will hate all of us.

Selena, Miranda, Scott and I came up with a plan to make Ava stay away from Nick. We left Willa out since she will want us to tell the truth.

The reason we don't want Nick near Ava because he likes to get what he wants and right now I can tell he wants Ava.

I look over at my phone as it rings to see it's Ava and I quickly answer it. She just called to tell me she was outside. I open the door and frowned.

"What is he doing here ?" I asked glaring at Nick.

"Well I need to make sure you are telling me the truth so I want Nick to be here just in case your stories are different" Ava said as I look at Nick with a grin on his face.

I open the door wider for them to both walk in. I keep a tight smile on my face as I know Nick will end up telling the truth. I need to talk to Nick.
We make our way into the living room as Ava takes a seat but Nick doesn't sit down.

" Can you show me where the bathroom is ? " Nick asked innocently as  I leave the living room for him to follow.  I decided to take him to the one near my room since it's the long way. We walk up the stairs as I hear Ava put on the tv.

After reaching the second floor, I grab onto Nick's shirt and slam him into the wall.

"Dude what's up with you beinh abusive ,lately ?" He asked with an annoyed tone.

" Why the hell are you here ?" I gritted through my teeth. He just smiles at me while I wait for him to say something.

" She wanted me here" He said slowly  pushing me away. I watch as something flashes through his eyes but it went away before I can read it.

 "Please, I just don't want to loose her " I said pleading my eyes with guilt. Nick stares at me and shakes his head.

" And I wanted one of my best friends back but I lost that as soon as you let a girl come in between us " Nick said as I sighed. Nick studies my face and I know he is a good person on the inside because he ended up agreeing to go along with whatever I planned without hearing it.

We went back downstairs as I find Ava searching around the kitchen for food. She had cookies crumbs all over her face as Nick and I couldn't help but laugh.

" Finally you guys are ready" She said sitting on a kitchen stool near the kitchen island. I sit down across from her as Nick leans on the fridge. I can tell he wants to leave already since we are lying to Ava about him. I can tell he will beat up himself for this.

"Well please explain why you don't want me to be friends with Nick ? " Ava asked as I think about what to say.

" He betrayed our bestfriend " I said as she looked confused.

" What do you mean ?" She asked looking at Nick letting out a nervous laugh.

I told her that Selena and Nick dated when she was in Greece. Nick became best friends with all of us. Then, Selena got pregnant and he went MIA for a month. He didn't call or anything. I said he acted like he didn't know any of us when he returned back to school. He broke up with Selena through text months after.

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