Chapter 19

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Ava's P.O.V

At Nick's home, I felt like I belonged here with him. We were sitting in his movie room. His arms were wrapped around me as he would kiss me every once in a while.

We were watching all the Divergent series Movies. Nick read all the book as I just want to see Ansel Elgort and Theo James .

I look up at Nick as he leaned back in the chair. My back was to his chest as I was placed in between his legs.

" Why did you act that way when you realized you love me ? " I asked hoping that this wasn't going to be another fight.

" I was stupid in love. I was scared to tell you. I don't really understand this love thing since my parents didn't show me any, I guess. But like you said we are just learning how to love eachother. " He said as his words are so smooth.

" You just always have a good choice of words " I said grinning as I lean up to kiss him.

" Well , I was just scared I won't make you happy enough " He said and that made me turn around facing him.

" Nick ... Why would you think that ? " I asked. Even though the room was dark, I can still see his glowing blue eyes. I hold onto his hands as they were soft.

" I don't know if I am good enough for you " He said and my jaw drops which makes him kiss me.

" Nick, you made me the happiest girl. I haven't been that for a while. I don't know what it is but not having you next to me for the last few days made me went crazy. I missed you " I said as he kisses my hand making me giggle.

" Well, let's hope you don't go too crazy anymore because I would hate myself if you do any of those things again " He said pulling me on top of him as I rested my head on his chest. He kisses my forehead as I close my eyes.

" I love you " I said kissing him.

" I love you, too " He said as we just laid there talking with the movie now muted. I could care less about the movie now since I am all cuddled up with my boyfriend.


" I thought I said I didn't want a party " I said walking into my house laughing as I just got home from the movies with Nick. My friends surround, being all excited that they surprised me.

" Well that is why it's a surprise party " Willa said smiling as I gave her a confused smile. Selena nudges her with her elbow.

" Thanks for the party " I said as she smiles at me and gives me a hug.

" Now, go change " She said as I agree with her. It's the day before Christmas Eve an it was pajama day at school so I decided to wear my penguin onesie.

I go upstairs and quickly change into a red sparkling dress that gives off a Christmas vibe. My hair was already curled for the day as I touched up my makeup.

I walk out of my room and walk down the stairs as everyone admires me. It wasn't a crazy party where teenagers were hooking up, smoking or getting drunk. It was like a small get together where the music is played softly and everyone is talking to eachother.

I walk up to Nick and hug him from behind as he turns his head to look at me. He was talking to Gram and some of the football players.

He finishes up the conversation and takes my hand leading me to the kitchen. I greet some classmates as they wish me a happy birthday as I thank them.

" Did you plan all this ? " I asked staring into his blue orbits as he just smirks.

" How did you know ? " He asked handing me cranberry juice as he is drinking water.

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