Chapter 5

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Ava's P.O.V ( age 16)

After lunch, I walk to my next class as I hear footsteps behind me. I didn't have to turn around to even know who it was.

" Stop following me " I said walking faster as he looks down at me and back up laughing.

" Funny but I can't resist it since we have the same class " He said catching up to me. I look at him trying my best not to smile.

" Are you ready to present ? " I asked as Nick nods his head. We walk into class and watch as Mrs. Harrison gives us an impressed look while Nick hands her the lab report. I set up the project on the laptop by putting in the usb.


" I got a 100 on the project " I tell Kai as we walk into my house. A cinnamon scent reaches my nose as I know my mom is in the kitchen. Her and my dad just got back from their vacation.

" The one you did with Nick " Scott stated in an annoyed tone.

" Yeah. What is your guys' problem with him ?" I asked as it's been bugging me ever since Nick mentioned my friends not liking him except Willa.

" He is just a douche " Selena said checking her phone. I didn't feel the need to argue with their opinion so I just left it.

"So why did you guys want to go to his and Gram's  party ?"I asked .

"Hello ,It's a party and we wouldn't even see him. Also, his party is the greatest party of the year " Miranda said as I rolled my eyes. They are acting weird right now.

" Hi mom " I said walking into the kitchen giving her a kiss on the cheek.

" Hi pumpkins " She said looking up at us.

" Mrs. Swan " My friends all acknowledge as we grab some juice from the fridge.They head back to the living room to probably watch tv.

" Dad is going to be home early " My mom said as we smile since we don't see him often. My dad is a doctor so he leaves before I wake up and comes home when I am asleep. My mom is a teacher so she has the same schedule as to coming home and leaving the house with me.

I walk into the living room to see Scott watching tv as the others are on their phone. He is currently watching Spongebob.

My friends wanted to come over to my house just to hang out. I watch as Scott pulls Willa closer to him. My eyes widen in excitement as she starts to hold his hand. I found it so cute that they are snuggling on my couch.

" Are you guys like a thing, now " I asked as all my friends deicded to look up from their phones and at Willa with Scott. I guess we all wanted to know that answer.

" No " They both said together.

" But you guys -

" It was just a one time thing " Willa said shrugging her shoulders.

" Yeah okay " Miranda said rolling her eyes.

" What about you and Gram?" Selena asked as Miranda's green eyes widen. I smile at how nervous she got at his name being mentioned. They were so cute at the party together.

" I don't know what you're talking about " She said looking back down at her phone.

"And that is why you are texting him " Kai said as we all start to laugh while Miranda blushes.

" Whatever let's just watch a movie " She suggested as we all agreed.

We decided to watch Neighbors 2 and called it a day. After we had dinner with my mom and dad. I suggested that we do homework which makes them become dramatic.

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