Chapter 23

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Ava's P.O.V

I turn around looking at a crowd of people who are looking for seats. Good thing I got here early to get a front row seat.

Mr. and Mrs. Dorotoa greets me with a hug as they take the seats a save for them.

" Oh my gosh !!! I am so excited. When does it begin ? " Mrs.Dorotoa asked looking at me.I check my phone check the time.

"At 3 " I said as she nodded her head.

"Did you make the reservation for that Thai restaurant ?" Mrs.Dorotoa asked looking at Mr.Dorotoa. He nods his head yes as we just sit back in relief.

" Any luck with your parents ?" Mrs.Dorotoa asked.

"No, but I still text them to give them an update of my life " I said as they both nod their head.

" I talked to your dad the other day since he wanted to buy a car from one of my autoshops " Mr.Dorotoa said as I nod my head.

"Did he mention anything about me ?" I asked with a hopeful look.

"No " Mr. Dorotoa said as I sighed. Mrs.Dorotoa put her hand on mine as comfort.

I do not know what it is but it's like out of no where Nick's parents started to give him attention and talk to him like everyday on the phone.

They visited us every two weeks and helped us learn how to cook which I thought was nice. I can see that Nick is really happy that they are treating him better than they did before.

" I am so proud of him " Mr.Dorotoa said as we hear the pianist start to play the traditional graduation song.

" I can't believe he agreed to go to Yale University " Mrs.Dorotoa said happily as I see happy tears in her eyes.

My eyes widen to that comment as Nick never mentioned any of that to me.

"How is he going to work ? " I gulped as I started to get nervous.

" The Accounting office is transferring him " Mr.Dorotoa said as I just put my lips into a thin smile.

" Oh there he is " Mrs.Dorotoa said as I look at him in his navy blue graduation gown. He looks at us with a big smile as his blue eyes scan my face. He raised an eyebrow towards me as I just give him a small wave so he can enjoy his graduation without worrying about me.

We sit through the long speeches, award ceremony,teacher acknowledgements and then it was time for the diploma ceremony.

As Nick's name was called , Mrs.Dorota and I jump up clapping and cheering for Nick as Mr.Dorotoa stands up clapping while blowing whistles at him.

"That's my boy " He said which caught Nick off guard as I see the tears in his eyes to hear his dad say that.

He walks off the stage as the next person was called. We look towards him take a seat as I pull out my phone to take pictures.

After the handing out of diplomas , the principle said a few more things as he announced for the tassles to be moved to the other side.

" Congratulations Class of 2017 " The principle which made all the guys cheer and throw their caps in the air. I look for Nick to see if he was doing it but he was no where to be found.

I scan the crowd as muscular arms are wrapped around my waist. I turn around and stare into Nick's sparkling blue eyes.

"You did it " I said with a cheerful tone.

"I know and it's all thanks to you " He said as I smiled at him. I give him a kiss on the cheek as I let go of him for his parents to give their Congratulations.

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