Chapter 28

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Nick escorts me out of the car as he hands the valet the keys. We walk up the stairs slowly as it was just a mellow night.

We enter the hall as I already see Kai with Andrew. Andrew has gotten so old and tall the last time I saw him. I remember when he was just 3 years old. He looks exactly like Kai when he was 10 except for the blonde hair.

I walk up to Kai as he gives me a wide smile.

" Hey Aves" He said pulling me into a bear hug.

" Hey " I laugh as we break the hug. Andrew gives me a quick hug as well as a kiss on the cheek. Kai and Nick starts to have a little chat.

" Aww, hi Andrew. You got so big " I said as he just smiles back at me.

" Aunty Willa and Aunty Miranda already said that " He said making me laugh.

" Where is Selena ? " I asked looking at Kai as he looks around the crowd.

" Probably with Willa " Scott said coming out of no where.

" Scott " I said as I pull him into a hug as he has a big smile on his face. I see his eyes look at Nick and then back at me.

" You guys ... ? " He asked pointing between Nick and I while I am confused. Kai looks at me as if he wanted to know the answer ,too.

" No, we are not dating " Nick said as they nod their head. Nick just pats Scott on the shoulder as they do a bro hug. I look at the guys as they all start to chat away.

" I am going to find the girls " I said as I walk through the crowd. There are servants walking around with champaign and appetizers.

My parents are also here so I should look for them. I ended up bumping into Gram as he looks happy to see me.

" Glad you can make it " Gram said as he hugs me. I give him a small smile.

" Congratulations " I said happily giving him playful punches.

" Yeah I know you thought I didn't have it in me " He said with a proud smirk that he proved me wrong.

" Well , I know you guys are going to end up happy together" I said as he laughs. His eyes lighten up as I follow his eye sight towards Nick.

" Just go talk to your boyfriend ,now. I bet you are really happy to see him after a while " I said as we laugh.

" Well, I can say the same to you " Gram said making me blush.

" Well , we just came here as friends. " I said as he rolled his eyes.

" I am pretty sure he didn't just go over to your apartment to talk " He said as my eyes widen and I blush more. He smiles at me before walking away from me.

I finally see Willa who is staring at Miranda's ring. I smile as I start to walk away towards them.

"AVA " They both exclaim fighting to hug me first. Selena somehow won coming out of no where.

" Aww I missed you guys so much " I said as I hug all of them.

" CONGRADULATIONS " I said hugging Miranda tightly. I stare at the beautiful piece of diamond on her left hand.

" It's beautiful " Selena said as we all agree. The servant comes by and serves us Champaign. We all accept it except for Willa.

We look at her eagerly with big smiles on our faces. She has the glow and a big smile on her face. She nods her head answering the question running through our heads.

" You're pregnant !!!" Miranda said as we all hugged Willa.

"Congrats to Scott and you " Selena said as Willa beams with joy.

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