Chapter 26

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7 years later ...

" Yes mom I remember everything " I said opening my bag to check. I take out my resume while waiting in the office .

" Okay good luck. Remember your dad and I are proud of you " She says ending the phone call and I roll my eyes since that is all she said this morning .

It was the first week of April , and I am looking for a job. I look at the people around me. They all look like they are around 30. There is no way they would hire me.I am going to be turning 25 in 8 months. I just got out of college with no other job except for when I was in high school working at a bakery .

" Ava Swan " A guy in a suit and tie says and I slowly get up .

Here goes nothing .


I felt like that interview went great. I answered all the questions without hesitation.

I stroll down the street as I am walking to the subway. When the train arrived , it was empty since it was the first stop. I take a seat in the corner and put in my headphones muting out the annoying teenagers walking in. I am such a hypocrite because those teenagers are innocent and young. They are just talking to their friends about everything and anything.

I, on the other hand, screwed up my teenage life. I was pulled into a the darkness by a person. This certain person had all of me. I was in love with him and he was my whole world. However, I don't think I was his. I dropped everything for him and didn't ask for anything from him. He just cut me loose from his life.

I close my eyes trying to forget about it but I just can't stop thinking about him. Just because I can't be with him doesn't mean I still don't love him. It still hurts and it sucks. I breathe in slowly and let it out. I came a long way from being where I am today. It took a long time to recover from my dark stage but I still made it.

I get up and make my way to stand in front of the door. I balance myself since I am wearing heels and I don't want to fall.

The doors open and I begin to walk as there are people right behind me. It feels like a race when walking up the stairs with people in a rush. It's New York City so time just keeps going.

As I am a block away from my apartment, I look down at my watch to check the time. I guess I will be taking a nap or maybe watch a movie.

The door opens as I thank the doorman.

"Ms. Swan " Jerry, the front desk manager , calls me. I walk towards the front desk and greet him with a smile.

" Here is your mail" He says handing me my pile. A certain envelope stands out to me as my eyes widen.

I walk into the elevator quickly and stare at it. I press my floor and wait for the door to open to my apartment. I walk in and put my bag down. I pour myself a glass of wine and take a sip of it. I open the envelope and put down my glass.

I take out my phone and quickly dialed Miranda's number. She picks up on the first ring.

" Yes Ava " She says with a hint of knowing where this is going.

" YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED " I screamed with joy and excitement .

" Yes I am " She said and I can tell she was happy.

" Wow, I didn't know Gram had it in him " I said as she laughs.

" It was so romantic. He proposed to me 2 weeks ago. I wanted to suprise you guys with the invitations. I have so much to do but I am happy the date is already set amd invitations are already sent out. You're my bridesmaids so you better clear your schedule" She says happily. I look at the gift basket of her asking me to be her bridesmaid.

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