The Visit

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Liam's Point Of View

February 20th

It is the first time that I'm reunited with Harry since the break started.  I'm back in LA and I finally have news from Louis.  I left him like fifty text messages and twenty missed phone calls and he calls me back saying "Mate? Where have you been?".  Yeah Louis...  Where have I been? 

I just visited him and Briana to see little Freddie.  Briana was very happy about the gift Gynie and I picked up for the little lad.  Louis on the other hand was more shocked about what has been going on with H, because he didn't have a clue at all about what has been happening.

"All I think about is poo, man."  He said while I tickled Freddie that was killing me with love with his adorable blue eyes.

"I hope you mean his." I glance at him with a smirk.

"Yeah mate, his.  So, I haven't got time for other people's shit, OK?  I have to manage the baby, the baby mama, the girlfriend, the paps and everything.  So, give it a rest."  He says as he throws Freddie's little football at me.

"I missed you, man."  I smile at him before looking back at the ball of light on my knees that can't stop laughing.

"Yeah, whatever..."  He says and it gets me laughing.

It's been really good to see Louis and I thought why not give H a call too and meet up.  He invited me over to his house and we ended drinking by the pool.  We literally spent all afternoon under the sunshine relaxing and talking about anything really, just catching up, until we were both very hungry.

Harry gets two wine glasses that he fills up with red wine before looking at his refrigerator to get the dinner out. 

"Did you get to see Freddie?"   He asks me as he starts cutting the vegetables.

"I did actually.  I went by Louis' to see him this morning.  He's so beautiful.  He has his eyes."  I joyfully say as I take a seat on the stool in front of him and take a sip of my glass. 

"It's been a while since the last time I saw him."

"I took pictures, you want to see?"  I ask him as I get my phone out of my back pocket.

Harry puts his knife down and takes his glass to sit on the stool next to me.  I open my Gallery app and look for the pictures, but as I scroll for them, I stumble upon those of Gynie I took a few weeks ago.

"Stop, stop stop stop stop!"  Harry says, putting his finger on my screen to scroll back.  "I knew you went to visit her.  How was it?  How was she?"

He asks looking intently at the few pictures I have, because I mainly filmed her.  His brows are frowned and his face seems cold, but his tone wasn't.  I get instantly nervous.  How did he know I went to see her?  I never told him.  We hardly even talked at all.

"How do you-"

"Matt told me."  I look at him needing more informations and he goes on, clicking on the picture of her with her fish.  It gets me smiling to the souvenir.  "He paid me a visit back in London when he learned I left Gynie and all the drama with Kendall.  How is she by the way?  She seems happy..."

I look at him as his eyes just can't leave her.  On that picture, yeah sure, she looks happy, because we were having so much fun.  It was pretty exciting to get her fish out of the water.  It was her first fish ever.  If I remember correctly too, we were a bit woozy with all that beer that we drank.  Well, she more than me.  But I can't believe after everything he put her through that he would think that she is fine.

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