The Hard Truth

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Matt's Point Of View

January 17th

I have been in bed for an hour, just taking in the feeling of comfort I have, because tomorrow I'm getting back to class and I won't have the luck to enjoy my bed as often.  I've just finish reading a book Virginie made me buy about two months ago when Harry was in America.  She told me it was one of the greatest book she has ever read by Victor Hugo called Le dernier jour d'un condamné.  I read it in French since it's the language it was initially written in.  I think she told me he is her favourite author.  I decided that it might be time for me to read it after two months.  It was really good.

Thinking about Virginie, it has been a while since I got news from her.  It's been a while since I checked my emails too.  I try to check as often as I can since she left about a month ago.  I take my phone and scroll through my applications.  Her message is the first at the top of all the others.  She sent this 11 hours ago.

"To: matt1995

From: virginie.dulude

Object: I need to tell you something

Dear Matt,

I'm so so sorry I took all this time to reply to you. I just really didn't know how to answer to your questions.

I'm SO happy that you got the job and already started!! I can't believe you are finally doing something in the business. You look so cute in the picture. I'm SO happy you get to have the summer off. OF COURSE, I want you to stay longer this summer. Update me on that, if you want me to do reservations, look for activities or literally anything. I can't believe you are coming to see me.

I'll send you the draft when I'll be confident about my story. I haven't worked on it that much since Uni started. My classes began January 5th and I also have a three-day week, which I think I already told you when I did my schedule back in the UK.

On a more serious note... It's been weeks since Cindy has been wanting me to say this to you, but I never could find the words... I really don't want to get into the details because it's still very hard when I think about it, but Harry broke up with me the day I left. So I guess he doesn't plan on visiting anytime soon. I'm sorry. You are my best friend, I shouldn't have kept this from you.

Lots of love,

Virginie -xx-

January 16th at 5:21 PM EST"

I must have read it back like three times.  What!?  Why didn't she tell me?  Cindy knew and I didn't...  She must be a wreck.  I can't believe this.  She loved him so much.  We could see it in her eyes, in her smile...  What happened between them?  Why am I only hearing about this now?  Why did she want to keep this from me?  I could have helped her take her mind off of it.  I would have...  I don't know what I would have done...  But she is my best friend and I would have been there for her.  I need answers and I won't get them by sitting on my bum.

I get up and leave my room strictly heading to Cindy's.  I walk quickly and sit at the end of her bed.  She wakes up to my body falling at her feet.  She was still sleeping at this late hour, I can't believe how a late sleeper she is.

"Matt?  What are you doing?  Please let me sleep!"

"No!  I need to talk to you..."

"Please Matt, I talked to Virginie all night last night.  I'm knackered..."  She whines and I need even more answers.  Why does she get to talk to her when I can't?

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