Chapter 28

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Everyone was getting ready to leave Mrs. Helia's house and go to the Belin Manor. The adults had agreed that for the next few weeks until everything is safe that they should stay under one roof. Evelyn had more than enough room in their house for the eleven people that are coming over. The girls went in their car with extra clothes for school the next day with some blankets and toiletries. Mrs. Helia escorted Joanna and Jonathon to their house so they could pack up a few of their belongings and meet them later. Evelyn escorted the four witches and her son in her SUV.

As soon as they got there, she stood out the door and extended her arms for everyone to come in. She turned to her son and said "Get everyone accommodated and she if they need any refreshments, get it for them. I'm going to wait out here for Ms. Harrison so I can properly invite her in." She said as she was waiting by the door for them. "And also get the guest rooms and the office prepared. They're going to need some rest too sweetie. Thank you."

Jay went in and told everyone to go ahead and put their stuff by the stairs. He asked if they needed any refreshments. They politely declined.

"So how is the sleeping arrangements going to be?" Ashley asked.

"I'm not sure. I guess my mother will be giving them out as soon as Jon and his mom show up." Jay said looking out the window.

"I can't believe this is happening! Today was such a trip! I don't even know what to do after all this? How are we supposed to go back to school after everything that has happened today?" Shelley asked looking at her sister.

"You will proceed with your education and daily activities like you normally would do. You four are still kids. Leave the worrying to the adults. We'll take care of everything from here. There is no need to worry about such things now. The Hunters have been dealt with, our coven is setting up a protection spell around the town for all of us. I'm sure everything will be okay. There is nothing to worry about, okay?" Tessa said to them.

All they could do was smile at her, and look at each other. She's right. How are we supposed to act like nothing ever happened after today? We can't go back to that. A lot has happened! I turned into a werewolf in daylight, Ash and Shelley protected me, I met Jon's mom... I even came out to my mom!! She knows I have a boyfriend! Oh man, this is all too much for me right now!

Jay stood up and feeling a little nauseated. His stomach felt knotted. His muscles started twitching. He could hear everything going on outside. From the people in the other house to the birds chirping in the trees. He could hear the next street over where the kids are playing street hockey. His vision we getting blurry and bright. He was getting tunnel vision and his eyes seem to black out for a bit. He could smell the different perfumes the witches where wearing all at once.

"Jay, are you okay?" Ashley asked patting his back. "You don't look so good, do you need some water?"

"Shizzle? You need to get some air. I think you're having a panic attack!" The girls helped him out through the back door and let him soak in the sun and breathe the fresh air. "Shizzle, breathe in through your nose and exhale out your mouth. Relax your body and don't just focus on your breathing. Just relax. Let your breathing come naturally!" Shelley said as they propped Jay down on his back and put pillows under his legs so his feet were elevated.

"I don't know what's going on?! I'm freaking out! My body feels like it's going numb!! I'm scared!!" Jay said in a panic!

"That's not going to work my dear. His senses are far more delicate and enhanced than ours." Amber came out with them with a glass of water. "He needs to control his senses before they overwhelm him." She knelt right beside him and held his hand. "Jay, I need you to listen to me for a bit, okay? Keep your eyes closed and answer me out loud. Can you do that for me?"

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