Chapter 05

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"HOLY FUCKING HELL!!!" Jon yelled as he ran towards his closet door.

"What! Babe, what the hell happened?!" Jay woke up in the dawn scanning the room. There was light smoke in the room. Jay smelled for fire, but all he smelled was smoke and burnt flesh. "Babe! What happened? Where are you?" Jay said frantically.

"I'm in the closet! Where's my pants?" He said exhausted. That's when Jay understood what happened. It was dawn. The blinds where up and his curtains where pulled back. The sunlight has touched him. Jon was slowly burning in his sleep.

"Uh, I think they're on the floor. Let me get them for you!" Jay said as he leaped out of bed still in the nude. He looked on the floor and saw Jon's pants laying there. He picked it up and started searching for his ring. He checked his right pocket, nothing. His left pocket.

"Ow! Fuck!" Jay yelled. Yeah, I found it alright. He forgot it was made of silver. The one thing Jon needs to stay alive is the one thing Jay was allergic to.

"Are you okay! I take it you found it?" Jon said from within the closet.

"Yeah! Here, I'm just going to bring your pants to you."

"No! Wait!" He yelled.

"What? Why? Dude, we just had sex! I know what you look like naked! I have night vision!" Jay said back.

"I'm burnt. I don't want you to see me like this." He said, sounding a bit afraid. Jay didn't know how to feel about that.

"Babe. I'm here for you. We can fix this right? Can vampires heal just as fast as werewolves?" Jay said.

"Yeah, but we need blood for that." He said again, but his voice slowly fading. Jay went to the closet and opened the door. He saw Jon crouched on the floor. Holding his knees. His flesh was still searing. Smoke rising from his body. He can still hear some parts of his body sizzle. Pieces of flesh dangling from his body. He was shocked to see how much Jon got burned.

"Oh my God, are you alright?" Jay asked concernedly.

"Yeah, it burns, but once I get my ring, I can leave and get me some blood." Jon said in a low voice.

Jay handed him his pants. Jon took his ring from his pocket, and put it back on his right hand ring finger.

"I can leave here now." Jon said as he was getting up still holding his pants.

"Let me help you up." Jay said. Not knowing how he could. He could see Jon was in pain, and if he even touched him, he would make the pain worse than it was.

"No, it's okay. I got it." Jon said as he was leaving the closet. "I'll be back." He left the room still holding his pants. Jay listened carefully. Hearing his footsteps as he walked downstairs. He heard the fridge open, and he heard to microwave buttons go off. He's heating up his blood to human temp.

Jay found his boxers and put them on. He grabbed his shirt and put his pants on. He didn't care for socks or shoes at this point. He heard the microwave timer go off. He made his way downstairs.

He saw Jon bite into his bag of blood. His face was different. His eyes were dark. No white eyeballs, black like shark eyes. He saw that his fangs were in the bag, and he was drinking it like a man thirsts for water in any desert. But he was noticing his skin was healing. The pieces of flesh that was hanging from his body seemed to sew itself back together.

He threw the now empty bag in the trash bin. There was another bag in the microwave. He dug his fangs into that as well. His skin has now completely renewed itself. All that was left where red marks, as if a normal person had sunburns from lying out in the sun too long.

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