Chapter 18

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As soon as the lunch bell rang, Jon ran out of his class and straight to his locker. He grabbed his lunch and went to the cafeteria to use the microwave to heat up his blood. He spotted the girls and gave them a wave. They smiled and waved back. He left and went to his table to wait for Shelley and Ashley.

He opened his thermos and started drinking. He thought he'd glance at Jay's table once again. He was there talking to his friends. Jay looked up towards his direction, smiled and gave a wave. Jon's heart skipped a beat. He smiled back and possibly blushed a little and waved back.

"Who are you waving at?" Shelley asked as she set down her tray of spaghetti.

"Oh, no one." Jon replied. Maybe I shouldn't tell them just yet. He said to himself. Just someone I met in class. We're working on a paper together." He said drinking his blood.

"Oh, that's cool." Shelley said twirling her fork in her food. Jon looked around and noticed Ashley was not with her.

"Hey, where's Ash at?" He asked.

"Oh, you will not believe this." She said putting her fork down. "You're going to love this." She said giving him her attention.

"Oh wow. This must be good." Jon said giving her his full attention as well.

"Okay, so you do know we got a new student today right?"

"Um, no I didn't. Is he cute?" He asked.

"Yeah, he's freaking adorable. In 1st period me and Ashley were sitting there and talking, you know what we usually do."

"Mm-hm." Jon mumbled.

"Anyways, this guy came in and he was talking to Mrs. Richards, and she told him to find a seat. There was an empty seat right next to Ashley. Well, it was the only seat left." Shelley giggled. "So he sits right next to her, and I look at Ashley, and you can tell she likes him. It was so cute!"

"What's his name?" Jon asked smiling.

"Hold on! Let me get there." She replied laughing. "So he sits down, and he looks at her and she's all smiling. So he's like "Hi, I'm Bobby Henderson. What's your name?"" She started laughing again. "And I think she was going to say her name, but Mrs. Richards was like "Bobby, I know it's your first day at this school, so can you flirt with Ashley some other time?""

"Oh my God! She did not!!" Jon said laughing.

"Yeah, she totally did. And Ashley got all embarrassed! Like, her face got really red! But it was so cute; Bobby turned to Ashley and said "Can I flirt with you later? Maybe lunch?"" Jon's mouth dropped. "They were comparing classes and they have 4th, 5th and 7th period together."

"So that's where she is!" Jon said looking around the quad for her.

"Yeah, my little sister is growing up! I'm so happy for her." She said sticking her fork back into her spaghetti. "He better treat her nice or I am so going to turn him into a toad." Jon looked at her.

"You can do that?" He said in amazement.

"I'm not sure. But for his sake he better not give me the chance to find out."

"I'm sure he'll treat her great." Jon said taking another sip of his lunch.

"Treat who great?" Jon heard from behind him. He turned around and saw Ashley holding her tray... with her new boyfriend Bobby Henderson.

Jon and Shelley just smiled at them. "Well, your sister said that-" THUMP! Shelley kicked Jon on his leg under the table. "THAT... that it would be nice to meet your boyfriend. Please, have a seat!" Jon finished making a face of pain to Shelley. He then mouthed Bitch! To her.

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