Chapter 19

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At the girl's house, Jon made his lasagna shells topped with shredded cheese, a side of rice with gravy and string beans with diced carrots. For desert the girls made their cheese cake with cherry topping. Jon had had a healthy dose of blood in him for the day so he was able to eat dinner with them that night.

They talked about their life goals after High School, told their most embarrassing stories, played some board games like Pictionary, Guesstures and they almost played Twister but it was almost nine and they didn't want Bobby to be late.

Ashley walked Bobby out to his truck while Jon and Shelley bolted upstairs to her room to go spy on them with the lights out. They saw them standing by his truck and holding each other while whispering sweet nothings into each other's ears. Ashley turned around for an instance and stared at Shelley's window. She gave a glare and turned back around again. Shelley and Jon got the hint and walked back downstairs into the living room and waited.

"What are they talking about?" Shelley said looking towards the window.

"Shh! I'm already listening to them!" Jon replied closing his eyes.

"Your friend is pretty cool. Does he have a boyfriend?" Bobby asked with his arms holding his girl. If Jon had a heartbeat this is where it would have jumped and sped up.

"What? Um... I don't know what you're talking about." Ashley said forcing a smile and not breaking eye contact. Bobby laughed and smiled back.

"I understand you're only trying to protect your friend. If he's not gay, then he's not gay. I don't have a problem with that. My best friend back home was gay, and I protected him all the way till I moved. Trust me, I understand." Bobby said back looking into Ashley's eyes. She smiled. "Plus, I kind of have a great gay-dar, so I can tell." Ashley laughed back again and rested her hard against his chest. "I think Jay is gay too. He just seems more of the manly kind of gay though. Both Jon and Ashley's eyes widened and her heart sped up. Jon started sweating.

"Really? Are you sure? He doesn't seem like it to me." Ashley said lifting her head up and looking at Bobby.

"Yeah, I think he might be. And I think your friend Jon has a crush on him as well. Did you see how they acted back there at school today?" Bobby said looking into space as if he was remembering all the events that took place after school.

"Um, no! I didn't see anything. Oh my gosh, look at the time Bobby! It's five till nine. You should get home!" Ashley said trying to change the subject as fast as she could.

"Oh shit, you're right! I got to go. I love you babe. I'll see you tomorrow hopefully?" He said getting into his truck.

"Yes, I'll be here. We've got all weekend, and you have my number and you know where I live, so don't be a stranger. I love you too. Bye." she said back as they were giving kisses from his truck window.

Bobby waited till Ashley got into her house and she watched from the window as he was driving off and gave one last wave. She waved back and he disappeared into the darkness of the neighborhood.

She turned around and looked at her sister and her friend sitting at the sofa as if they were innocently waiting there the whole time.

"I know you were listening and telling Shelley everything that was happening." She said glaring at them both.

"Did I give the impression that I was gay? And how did he know Jay was gay too? He's got some hell of a gay-dar!" Jon said.

"Speaking of Jay, you still have to tell us what happened today after school!" Shelley said looking at Jon.

"Yeah, what was that all about?" Ashley said sitting right next to him.

"It's sort of a long story." Jon exhaled. Shelley and Ashley looked at each other.

"I'll get the popcorn!" Shelley said bolting for the kitchen.

"I'll get us some drinks!" Ashley got up and ran to the refrigerator.

"I guess... I'll just wait here... for you guys." Jon said still sitting on the sofa. "You know, my love interest is not just a drama story for you girls." He yelled towards the kitchen. A few minutes went by and he sees the girls coming out of the kitchen with three cans of soda and a huge bowl of popcorn.

"Okay, now you can tell us!" Shelley said with a smile on her face and grabbing a handful of popcorn. Jon rolled his eyes started from the beginning to where he found Jay's clothes in his closet.

He went on to tell them that he was partnered up with him in English class and they had to sit with each other for the next two weeks. He mentioned that he still had his clothes in his closet and that Jay still had his as well. Then he went on about how they were looking at each other from across the quad and gave each other smile. And then he finally concluded with the whole thing about what had happened after school.

They looked at him and Jon knew they were going the ask the obvious question.

"So, do you still like him? After he broke up with you and everything? He hasn't talked to you in over two months!" Ashley said.

"I don't know? I think I still have feelings for him? I mean, who else can I date? Being single and gay is really hard; especially if I want to date someone... but dating humans is kind of... weird!" Jon said looking at his witch friends. "I mean I can give it a try, but what if I lose my sanity and start getting cravings of human blood? I'm not saying it's going to happen, I just don't think I can find another person like him. He's a great guy. I just hope he feels the same way about me, you know?" Jon said finishing his story.

They talked a bit more that night telling childhood stories and reminiscing about how stupid and crazy they were in their younger days. It was well after midnight so the three said their goodnights to each other and the sister went upstairs as Jon was left in the living room. He got up, got his night clothes and went to the bathroom to change.  He got one more snack of blood from his bag before he went to bed and laid there on the couch.

He was thinking about his werewolf crush before he went to bed. Then he heard a soft buzzing. He looked around and noticed his cell phone was on vibrate. He picked it up and looked at it. It was a text from Jay! A tingling sensation surged throughout his body as he looked at it. He opened it up and read it. He smiled, texted a reply and went off to bed. Dreaming of his werewolf crush. Maybe he could be my Jacob Black after all!

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