Chapter 16

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Jon woke up to his alarm buzzing. He got up and turned it off. It was 6:45 AM. He got up, took a shower and went to his closet to find something to wear. But something caught his eye. Folded nicely were some clothes put into a corner. He picked them up and smelled them. They were Jay's. He knew that scent anywhere. Why are his clothes... Oh, yeah. Right. He grabbed his clothes and wondered what to do with them. He can't give them back. Jay acts like he doesn't exist anymore. Wait! That means he still has my clothes. He never tried to give them back to me. He probably threw them away... or kept them. Jon smiled a bit. Hoping that was the reason. He folded and put it back where he found it. He found some shorts, flip flops and a tee to wear. It was still warm enough to dress like Cali. He grabbed his bag and went downstairs.

His mom was already going out the door to her antique shop she had bought when they first moved there. It's not like she needs a job... or money for that matter. They have accounts all over the world. His mom believes that it's best to have a job so no one would question about their finances.

"Good morning Johnny. Your breakfast is already heated in the microwave. You have a great day at school. Love you." She said as she was grabbing her keys. "Don't forget to lock up and set the alarm."

"I will. Love you too mom. Have a great day at work." Jon replied as he headed towards the microwave. His mom closed the door. He heard her start her car and pull out of the driveway until he heard her no longer.

He drank his breakfast and started reading the paper his mom left at the table. Before he knew it, it was 7:45 AM, so he got up and grabbed his bag and went out the door. He looked around and set the 'alarm' and headed towards the school.

He saw his friends waiting for him at their usual seat. He chatted with them making plans for today at the sister's house. The 1st period bell rang, so he started for Mr. Dwayne's class.

Jay had transferred out of his class after they broke up. But he couldn't transfer out of 2nd period. It was the only class that had 12th Grade English that year. That's okay. They only have one class together throughout the year.

The 2nd period bell rang, so everyone went to their next class. Jon couldn't wait to see Shelley in his 3rd period class. He got into Mr. Ziegler's class and sat down. Jay walked right by him and sat on the other side of the classroom. Not even looking at him once. Like he's been doing for the past two months.

"Alright class. I'm going to be doing something new this year. Did everyone choose what part they would like to read from the play yesterday?" Mr. Ziegler asked.

"Yes." The classroom responded.

"Okay. What I want you to do are pulling out a piece of paper and write your name on it with the character's name you want to be." He said. "When you're done, I want you to pass it to the person in front of you till it reaches the front row. Everyone did as he asked. Jon wrote his name and Nick Bottom's name. Folded it up, and passed it to the person in front of him who was the front row.

Mr. Ziegler grabbed all the papers and sat at his desk. "Take this time to talk amongst yourselves while I do this real quick. Everyone started to do just that. A few minutes went by and Mr. Ziegler told everyone to listen up. "Okay. This year instead of having you guys read them out loud in your seats, I'm going to have you partner up with the people who chose the same character as you. You're going to read the play yourselves, and write a five page essay about the characters you chose. I want to know what you think of them, what would happen if they made a different choice and your opinion on how the story should end, begin or change if it needs it."

"Five pages each?" Jon asked.

"Here's the best part, you ready?" He said looking back at Jon. "Five pages per group. So, say like five of you wanted to read Snout's part. That's only really one page per person. But you all have to pitch in. Talk with each other. Get each other's feedback. Sounds good?"

"Yeah!" The class responded back.

This is going to be so fun! Jon thought.

"Okay. This paper is due two weeks from now. So I want your group's paper turned in on Halloween. Got it?" Ziegler asked. "Alright, let's get started. But first, I want everyone to stand up against the wall. We are going to group you together. When I call your name, find a seat together." He sat at his desk and tossed the paper that he had us fill out into the trash bin. He already had it written down. "The first group is for the role of Tatiana. This group will consist of: Kim, Nicole, Randi and Cindy. Ladies, go find a seat together." The girls all chose one by the window in the back corner.

I wonder who will be in my group. Jon said to himself as he looked around the room.

"Up next, we have the role for Helena. This group will be: Bianca, Tashina, Amber, Antonia and Dawn. Ladies, find a seat." The girls took Jon's seat, close to the front row in the left corner. "Up next, we have one of my favorite characters, Nick Bottom the Weaver. He is the one with the most lines. Unfortunately, only two of my students chose to be him." Mr. Ziegler said shaking his head. "C'mon class. Live a little." He went back to his paper. "The two who chose to read Nick Bottom are Jonathon and Jay."

Jon's eyes widened and his mouth almost dropped. He looked at Jay and he had the same expression on his face as well.

"Sorry guys, but you both have to write two and a half pages together." Mr. Ziegler said. "Go ahead and grab a seat together." He said as he continued to read from his list.

Jon grabbed his bag and chose the desk closest to the window right next to the wall. Jay grabbed his bag and sat right next to him. They both sat there in silence. That awkward silence came back again.

"Hey." Jay said breaking the tension. Jon looked at him. "Let's not be weird about this. Okay."

"Yeah, I guess we can try to work together. It's just for two weeks." Jon replied back.

"Yeah, I mean... c'mon." He started to whisper. "We've seen each other naked." Jay said.

"Too early for that." Jon said back opening his book.

"Oh, okay. Sorry." Jay looked away and opened his book as well. Jon looked at him and smiled while he wasn't looking.

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