Chapter 01

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Jay stepped off the school bus, looking out on to the school campgrounds. Seeing a few new faces; they must be new transfer students. Looking out past the quad, searching for his small group of friends he usually hangs out with. He sees his best friend waving towards him to come join them. Christian was one of those jock types. Very popular, quarterback of the football team and treats everyone with respect. Although Jay is not in the popular crowd, he does like to spend time with Christian. They grew up together, they're practically like brothers.

Christian's got a buff build. He's 6' 2". A Native American and Mexican mix.

            He walks past the office building, making his way to the lunch table where they meet every morning. He hears some freshmen girls bragging about their designer clothes and talking about "daddy's money". Oh yeah, this is going be a crappy senior year. Jay thought.

            He sits down next to Christian, his best friend since pre-school.

"Hey, how was your summer vacation?" Christian asked.

"You were with me the whole summer, that's kind of a dumb question." Jay said rhetorically.

"Ha ha! I know, I just thought maybe you might have done something differently when we didn't hang out all day." Christian laughed.

"Just went home, and played some games." Jay frowned, lost in thought. Although he really didn't do that much, he does lock himself in an underground cage every three nights out of the month.

I guess having a family of pure-blooded werewolves is a secret you can't share with your best friend. He is the youngest werewolf in his family. The last of The Belin Clan. His older brothers are past their "Changing phases". They don't become servants to the moon anymore. They can change at will.

Jay is still coping with that. He's 17, and once he turns 18 he don't have to change every full moon either. He can remain human, but his strengths, stamina, agility and senses are heightened that night. He could hear a bird caw 15 miles away. But once he loses his temper, then the wolf comes out. It's like Hulk Mode but with an animal point of view.

But that's not the only secret he's keeping to himself. He noticed in his freshmen year that he was attracted to guys as well. Oh, how the locker room after Physical Ed. was his favorite time of day. But that's one secret he's not telling anyone. Ever!

"Hey, you did it again!" Christian said waving his hand in front of Jay's face breaking his thoughts. "Where do you go when you space out like that? I could've stolen your lunch and you wouldn't even notice."

Jay laughs and says "If you steal my lunch, you can have it. Even I doubt you would want to eat this crap my mom makes."

"She makes you that vegan crap again?" Christian asked. "Want me to buy you lunch again? I know you crave some meat. The first time I gave you my cheeseburger in 3rd grade, you nearly chomped my fingers off trying to get to it!"

"Yeah, but I need to at least eat one bite of this stuff my mom made, or else my guilt will ruin my day." Jay said.

"No problem. Just like last year... and the year before that." Christian said while shaking his head.

It's not the guilt that gets to Jay. His mom puts aconite in his food, just to take the edge off from his senses flaring. It's like hearing the whole damn school at once when you're in one room. No, he needs that bite to keep the wolf senses down. But as for the vegan food? He has no idea why his mom is making him eat more vegetables than meat. A wolf needs meat, doesn't it? Jay thought to himself.

The homeroom bell rings, so everyone scurries up and grabs their things for their first day of school. Christian and Jay compared class schedules, and they won't see each other till 4th period. Auto-shop is their first class together.

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