Chapter 14

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They both started walking towards Jon's house first, since it was the closest. They both just walked quietly, not saying a word to each other. It was the longest moment that they both have not said a word to each other since they met. It was that awkward silence that many people have encountered.

It was nighttime. The sky was already dark, and all the street lights were on. Some cars passed them; Jon had hoped none of them had looked into their review mirror. But it seemed like no one has even cared they were even there.

They had reached Jon's street. It felt like hours went by, but really only thirty minutes had passed.

"Hey." Jon said to Jay as he stopped only a few yards away from his house. "I'm really sorry about what happened. I am so sorry; I wish I could have done something or... anything for that matter!" He said grabbing for Jay's shoulders to stop him. "Please look at me?" He said back.

Jay turned around slowly, looking towards the sky. As if he was trying to figure how to respond back to him. He finally looked at Jon. He had a hurt look on his face.

What are you thinking? Please don't let it be what I think it is. Please! Jon said to himself.

"I... I think we should not see each other anymore." Jay said trying to hold back his tears. Jon's heart sunk. His eyes started to water. It literally felt like he just got staked in his heart.

"What?! Are you serious right now? No! That is not the answer! Babe, why would you say that?" Jon said back as he started to cry.

"Because... I heard everything you and Shelley were talking about!" Jon looked at him stunned. "Everything makes sense now. Why me and my family are the last of our kind. Why you and your mom... you never told me you had brothers?"

"You don't understand! My brothers are not like me and my mother. They love to drink blood. Human blood! Fresh!" Jon replied defending why he never mention his brothers to him. "They see humans as cattle. They don't want to live amongst them, or be friends with them... they see them only as food." He said looking at the ground, as if too ashamed to look at Jay.

"I'm sorry. I would have never known." He said back feeling like a jerk. "But we can't see each other anymore."

"Why?!" Jon said back.

"Why? I'll give you two reasons why! First: If I accidentally scratch or bite you, either I lose you or you kill me and you lose me. That is not a risk I am going to take!"

"But we can-"

"No! Absolutely not! And second: If either of our families found out about each other, we could lose them instead of each other! This relationship was never going to work out from the very beginning. I'm sorry, but I'd rather lose you like this than you dying or my family dying. This is for the best." He said. His eyes were turning red and getting watery. But he wasn't going to let Jon see him break down like that. He had to be strong. For the both of them.

Jon just stood there, crying. His heart hurt more than ever. His dreams of having a great boyfriend during his High School years have been shattered.

"Jon. I'm sorry." He went to give Jon a hug, but he just held up his hand to stop him. He turned towards Jay to look at him one more time. Jay saw how bad he was hurt. Jon turned around and started walking towards his house. He opened his door and went inside.

"I still love you." Jay said still looking at the house towards Jon's room. Waiting for him to respond back. But nothing. This time, he was not going to hear him say anything to him. Not tonight. Not ever.

Jay turned around and started walking up town. Back to his home. Trust me babe. I'd rather have you alive and safe than dead. Jay said to himself. Tears poured out of him uncontrollably as he walked to his house. Alone.

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