Chapter 13

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Jay woke up in Ashley's room, his head feeling dizzy and his chest sore. As if he got struck in the chest by tank. His head was ringing as he sat up. The room smelled like smoke and burned dog hair. What the hell happened? He thought to himself trying to remember what had happened. Let's see, we were all sitting here getting ready to watch Ashley cast a spell. Shelley was..... "Oh my God! Jon!" Jay said out loud as flashes of pictures raced in his mind.

He heard fast footsteps coming up the stairs. "Jay? Babe?!" He heard Jon say as he came through the door.

"Are you okay?" Jay asked with concern looking at Jon from head to toe.

"I'm fine! What about you? Are you alright?" He said back hugging Jay tightly. "I was so afraid I was going to lose you! Don't ever scare me like that again! You hear me?" Jon said in-between kisses as he was talking to Jay.

"Yeah.... I promise. What happened?" He said looking to make sure Jon wasn't hurt or burned.

"Long story. I'll tell you all about it later tonight. But uh... we kind of have a situation. The girls are downstairs. You're going to want to hear this!" Jon said as he was helping Jay back to his feet.

The two made their way back downstairs, with Jay's arm over Jon's shoulder for support. They both saw the girls in the living room looking through old books. Ashley looked up and gave a smile. It looked like she was sorry for what had happened, but didn't want to apologize for it. Like it was not their fault at all. Shelley looked at Jay, with daggered eyes. She was definitely not sorry for what happened. And that just pissed Jay off even more.

"Grrrrrr...." Jay growled.... in a wolf like manner while looking at Shelley.

"Oh, you did not just growl at me!!" She said getting up on her feet and getting ready to cast another spell.

"Shelley! Please! I just healed him, don't you dare cast a moon spell on him!" Ashley said standing on her feet as well and grabbing her sister by her arm. This time Jon got in front of Jay, protecting him this time.

"Babe... just calm down. I know we got off to a rocky start back there, but that's in the past now. Let's not do anything stupid again." He turned around looking deep into Jay's eyes. "It's going to be fine this time. Me and Shelley, we kind of have a little peace treaty right now. Shelley and Ashley have some information they need to tell us. You have to hear this, and then we can leave. Okay? Let's just be nice this time. For me?" He said making a cute puppy dog face.

"Fine. I'll be nice this time." He said back in a deep unearthly tone not taking his eyes off Shelley. Jon noticed Jay's eyes turned dark, almost black with a dark yellow iris.

"Jay? Please, have a seat. There are a few things we need to ask you first." Ashley asked breaking up the tension in the room. Everyone sat down and all eyes were on Ashley. "Um, first of all... How many Pure-Bloods do you know? Other than yourself." She asked looking at him.

Jay just looked around confused. "Uh... Just me and my family. It's always just been me, my mother and my brothers. Why?" He said looking back at her.

"Do you have any uncles, aunts or cousins?" She asked back.

"No! I have no other relatives. My mother once told me my grandmother left her village back when she was a young lady. She was escaping from something. She never told us from what though. I think my mother knows, but she won't tell us either. Well... I bet she told my brothers, but I think she's keeping it from me until I'm ready. Why are you asking me this?" He asked, more confused.

"Just one more. Please?" She asked back. Jay nodded. "What happened to your father?"

Jay shifted in his seat uncomfortably. He looked at Shelley, and she looked back at him, but not with anger... but more of a worried or curious look. "He... he passed away when I was very young. He was killed back in Texas. My mom was scared so she moved me and my brothers here to Arizona. I don't know where I originally came from, but I'm not born here in Arizona." Ashley nodded to Shelley, and she just nodded back. "Why are you asking me these questions? Are you guys going to hurt my family?!" Jay stood up. His eyes started to turn yellow again. His breathing started getting heavy, and his voice became deep again. "Are you going to hurt my family?! Why are you asking me these questions? Answer me witches!!!"

"Babe! Calm down, please! They are not going to hurt you. I promise." Jon stood up wrapping his arms around him. Jon felt his body getting hot. Heat was radiating from him like a furnace.

"We're not threatening you or your family, I promise!" Ashley stood up pleading.

"But you are threatening my sister, and if you don't calm down, I will have to protect her at all cost. Jay, please... calm down!!" Shelley said as she put herself in front of her sister. "I think it's time for both of you to leave. Leave my house, or it's going to get ugly here." Shelley said waving her hands in a half circle motion. The outside door flung open.

"Yeah, it's time to leave babe, let's go." Jon said still holding on to Jay. Jay just turned around and started for the door.

"Um... it's been an interesting day. I'm sorry for all the crazy shit that's happened, and I truly hope we can possibly still be friends?" Jon said as he was walking towards the door after Jay. He made it outside onto the porch when he heard Ashley say something.

"I ekover rouy noitativni. Uoy on regnol evah noissimrep ot retne siht esuoh." Ashley said holding her right hand towards the door, and pointing at Jon with her left.

"Ashley, what did you just-" Jon slammed into an invisible wall at the open door. He looked at it for a while. "I'm uninvited... I guess that's a no to being friends." He said back to the girls.

"I'm sorry." Ashley said back. As soon as her white eyes turned back to her normal color, you can clearly see the hurt in them. "You're a Vampire. It's too much of a risk to us." Her eyes were turning red. This was hurting her more than he thought.

"My peace treaty with you and Jay will stand, as long as you guys don't attempt to hurt us, we won't hurt you." Shelley said grabbing her sister's arm. I would have loved to have been your friend. I do believe you have a pure heart." She looks past Jon, towards Jay's direction as he was still walking down the street, not looking back. "But Werewolves tend to be more aggressive. Unpredictable. I'm sorry Jon." Shelley said grabbing the door getting ready to close it.

"I guess I understand." Jon said back turning around and started heading down the steps on the porch.

"Jon!" He heard Shelley yelling for him, not stepping out of her house. "You have to be careful with him." She said back at him.

"I know, he's a bit fragile, but he'll come around." He said back still looking a bit hurt about what happened.

"No, it's not that. He's a Werewolf and you're a Vampire. If he ever scratches you or bites you in Werewolf form, it can kill you!" She said back. Jon looked at her confused.

"What do you mean?" He said back.

She let out a sigh. "Werewolves, Pure-Blooded or not... are very poisonous to Vampires... Pure-Blooded or not. Be careful. The only way to cure you from that is..." She hesitated for a second. "Is to kill him and drink the blood from his heart." She looked sad to tell him of this news. "Please be careful. You guys are natural enemies." She became serious. "It's like I said... My grandmother helped your family kill his family. And his family hired Vampire Hunters to kill your Mother's and Father's Clan. All your family left him was his brothers and mother. All his family left you was your brothers & mother too. It'll become very dangerous if both your families found out about each other."

"I will. Thanks for the advice." Jon said back. He waved and ran towards his boyfriend. So, we're in more danger than we thought. A forbidden love. Jon said to himself.

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