Chapter 12

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"Shelley, NO!!!" Jay said as he jumped up and stood right in front of Jon. A flash of light, then there was a little explosion in the room.

The bedroom was full of smoke, but everyone could hear coughing. Shelley stood back up with Ashley still behind her. She looked towards Jon and Jay. She saw Jay lying on the floor. He was bleeding. Bad! He was unconscious. He had a huge wound on his chest and his arms were burnt. Jon was bent over him, trying to wake him up.

"Babe! Baby! Are you okay? Please answer me! Please!!" Jon said frantically. His voice was starting to break. He can't hold his emotions in, the fear of losing his boyfriend was starting to set in.

What have I done! Shelley thought to herself. He... he shows emotion! Vampires have no emotions! They are soulless monsters.... What is Jon?

"Shelley!" Jon said looking up at her. His eyes were starting to water and turn red. "He's bleeding! He's wounded very badly. I can't stop the bleeding.... Please help him! Please?" Jon said to her as he looked back down at Jay. He was starting to cry.

"I can't. I don't have that power. I'm a Cimmerian Witch. I only know Magicks of the Dark Arts. I'm so sorry. But..."

"I may be able to help him!" Ashley said as she came from behind Shelley. "I'm an Achromatic Witch. I might be able to heal him. But I need your help!" Ashley said as she was examining Jay.

"Anything! What do you need?" Jon said standing up awaiting Ashley's orders.

"We have some herbs in the kitchen cabinet. Its right next to the chiffonier, you can't miss it. Get me everything with a wooden lid."

"I'm on it." Jon took off in a blur. A few seconds went by and he was back with his arms full of glass jars with wooden lids.

"Th-thanks." Ashley said as she grabbed the jars. She looked at every label on the jar, separating them into piles. She opened one that was labeled 'Belladonna' and lit it with Shelley's fire spell. She snuffed out the fire and she started waving the smoke around Jay's wounds. "This will numb his pain. If I don't do this, the next few things I do will be extremely painful."

"I understand." Jon said not taking his eyes off of his love.

Jay started to move. His legs and arms started twitching then eventually moving around.

"Babe?" Jon said as Jay's head started to go back and forth like a he was having a nightmare. His eyelids started twitching and he was about to wake up at any moment.

"No... I need him to be asleep." Ashley said. She pressed her fingers against Jay's temporal lobe and closed her eyes while whispering a chant. "Uoy deen ot tser. Ster ruoy ydob dna og otni a rebmuls." Jay stopped moving and went back to sleep.

"I need to work fast." Ashley said opening her eyes and grabbed for two jars this time. She opened one labeled 'Pennyroyal' then 'Hawthorn'. She evenly poured the same amount on each hand, closed her eyes and clapped them together. A spark of light shot from her hands and started smoking again. This time the smoke was red.

She held her hands out on his chest. The smoke started pouring into the gushing wound and around his chest. His blood started flowing from the carpet back onto his body.... and back into his wounds. It's like she reversed time on his blood and put it back into his body. But the big open wound was still there.

Jon looked at Ashley. Her eyes turned pure white! Like he was looking at big white pearls. So Shelley is a Dark Witch! Her powers are offensive Magicks while Ashley is a White Witch. She has the power to heal and defend. He looked back at Jay. You're going to be okay baby. You're in good hands right now.

Ashley grabbed for two more jars. 'Black Alder' and 'White Water Lily'. She crushed the petals together and sprinkled over his chest. His skin started sizzling. The wound started healing itself back together. Pieces of his flesh were pulling itself back into place and sewing back over his wound.

"This part of the spell hurts like hell. It feels as though the skin was ripping and tearing apart." She said looking at Jon. "Don't worry, his body is numb thanks to the first spell I cast on him. He can't feel a thing now." She looked back at Jay.

Jon did as well. Jay was completely healed. All that was left was red marks. Like someone had scratched him.

"Your boyfriend will be fine now. But he is in deep sleep. He won't wake up for another hour or so." Ashley said as she started picking up the jars and recapping the ones she left open.

"Thank you so much. You are a very powerful witch. How can I repay you?" Jon said helping her picking up the jars.

Ashley got up standing on her feet. She looked back at her sister. She was standing there the whole time. Staring back at Jon.

I don't think she even took her eyes off of me for a second. Jon thought.

"You can tell us everything about you two for starters." Shelley said still looking at Jon.

"I-I don't know what you mean by 'you two'." Jon said.

"Don't lie to me! From here on out, I want the truth!" Shelley said sternly. "I know you're a Vampire. Vampires are the only creatures that can't cast a reflection. I should have known when you wanted an invite from Jay at his house, and again at our house." She said shaking her head in disappointment. "And that fire spell I cast? It would have turned you to dust. To a normal human, it would have just given them bad sunburn. But when Jay threw himself in front of it, it exploded! That spell wasn't meant for him, that's why it reacted differently, meaning he is of supernatural blood." She got up and walked closer to Jon. "I'm going to ask you again and I better get a straight answer this time or I'm going to cast another fire spell. What are you two?"

Jon looked at Jay, then back at Shelley and Ashley. "Well... I'm a Vampire... of course. Jay? He's a Werewolf. But we're not normal creatures. We're Pure-Bloods. We're not mindless beasts."

"Pure-Bloods?" Ashley questioned.

"Yeah. Why?" Jon said looking at the sisters who seemed to be confused.

"Because our Grandmother said the pure blooded werewolves are extinct. They were hunted down and killed almost a hundred years ago. She witnessed them being slaughtered. She was the one that help locate them."

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