Chapter One: Welcome to the Host Club!

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I had trouble dragging my backpack down the halls of Ouran Academy, specifically because it felt like I was pulling another me by the ankle from one end of the school to the other. Right after the school bell rang to announce the ending of classes for the day, I packed all of my things into my bag as quickly as possible. But like always, I wasn't fast enough.

"Miyoko-chan! I'm going to the library to save us some seats, come meet me when you're done!" Haruhi said to me before she dashed out of the classroom.

"Wait, Haruhi! Which... library..." I tried calling out to her, but she was already gone. She always seemed to be in a hurry. There were four total libraries in the enormous private school, and once again I would have to go from library to library to find which one she was in.

So here I was, struggling down the hallway towards the last library. I'd already checked the other three and asked a few students if they had seen my cousin (which usually ended up with them asking me, "who?") but with my luck she must've ended up in the last one I would check.
As I neared the doors I saw Haruhi open them and exit the room. She caught my eye and smiled.

"There you are, Miyoko!" She jogged the couple of metres of space between the two of us so that I didn't have to. I dropped the strap of my backpack and leaned over with my hands on my knees to support my weight.

"I went to every library to find you." I said to her.

"I'm sorry. I tried all of them and they were all super loud. It's like these people just spend all day partying." She shot me a sympathetic look while she eyed my nearly bursting book-bag.

Haruhi, of course, knew about my recent scholarship to the school. That was her way of admittance into the school as well. But unlike her who seemed to have no trouble keeping up with her grades, I was struggling with the new education system.

Two months ago, I had been going to a school in America. I lived in a cute little home that was perfect for a family of three; my mother, father, and me. We definitely weren't the richest, and we sometimes struggled to make rent each month, but we were happy and together and that was how I liked it. But on one gloomy Tuesday, late in the evening right after my ballet lessons, my parents got into a car crash on their way to pick me up. It was raining hard out, and instead of walking home like I usually did, I called my parents on my cell phone and asked for them to come and get me. The roads were slippery because of the rain, and an ignorant man with no regard for others had decided to get into his car after having a few beers. All three of them died in the accident. After their death, child services had called my uncle Ryoji and spoke with him about my current situation, and the death of his brother. It was then decided that I would fly all the way to Japan, where I would then live with my uncle and cousin. I refused to leave the country, and ended up spending a month in an orphan home, grieving. After I felt a little saner, I was given a plane ticket to Japan. Although I had never met my last two living family members, due to the fact that my father had moved from Japan to America as soon as he had finished high school, I did know about the death of Ryoji's wife, and Haruhi's mom. I had never met her either.

It wasn't that I despised the idea of living with my uncle, who I had learned was now a cross-dresser who preferred the title of Ranka. I just missed my parents, and it felt like moving half-way across the world was like giving up a part of them.

It was also arranged that I would be attending Haruhi's private school, based on a scholarship just like her. I was at the top of my class back in my middle school in America, so I was allowed to take a test to see if I was fit for a scholarship. Luckily, I passed. And now, only after a week I was already struggling under the weight of all the studying and assignments I had taken on just to keep up with the strict academic expectations of Ouran Academy.

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