Chapter Twenty-Seven: Another Chance

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"Okay, open your eyes!" I said to Haruhi, who was currently sitting on my bed with her eyes closed shut. She opened them, and remained expressionless as I twirled in a circle to show her my dress. She had been unenthusiastic the whole morning, but I just blew it off as her being tired. But now, as she fell backwards onto the bed and started flipping through a magazine, completely ignoring me, I groaned in annoyance and threw my hands in the air.

"Okay, what did I do? Why the silent treatment?" I asked her.


"Is it because of my date with Arai?"

She cleared her throat.

I rolled my eyes. Is she really turning this into charades or something? "You're mad at me for going on a date with Arai. Why?" I asked.

"I'm not mad at you," she answered, setting down the magazine.

"You sure are acting like it." I sat down next to her on the bed and shook her knee. "Come on, Haruhi. What is it?" I asked.

"I was just thinking that... don't you think you're being a little, you know, hurtful to Hikaru?" she asked.

"Ugh, not this again." I sighed.

"Miyoko, it's obvious that he still likes you, and now you're going on a date with someone who you know he doesn't like. That's kind of mean."

I narrowed my eyes at her. "First of all, he doesn't have any reason to not like Arai, he's just being weird. And second, he doesn't like me. We're friends."

"Are you really that stupid?" she asked. I blinked and jerked backwards, shocked by what had she said.

"What did you just say?" I asked.

She sighed, and rubbed her eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that. But honestly, you'd have to be pretty blind to not see that he still has feelings for you."

"I'm not following."

"You really are oblivious. He's always staring at you, and he's been pretty down in the dumps lately. He feels bad about what happened."

I shook my head. "No, we worked it out. He said we're friends."

"And you actually believe that that's the end of it. You think just because he said that you're friends, he doesn't have feelings for you anymore."

"Yes, that's exactly it." My voice was getting more opinionated every time she spoke to me. I wasn't enjoying this conversation. "And since we're friends, he has no right to be jealous of my date. And none of you get to judge me either," I huffed, and pushed myself off of the bed. I started towards the door, but she stopped me.

"Miyoko, come on. You have to consider how he's feeling."

I scoffed. "Have any of you considered my feelings when he completely trashed our date? Haruhi, he was the first guy to ever make me feel something. He was the first to make me blush, and gave me butterflies. He knew this. He knew how important it was to me, but then he just ruins it. It's like he abused my feelings. And now you're saying that I'm the bad guy?"

"That's not what I'm saying."

"Really, cause it seems like it is. I just want everything to go back to normal. We're friends." I started to leave the room once again, but hesitated and paused in the doorway. Without turning around, I took a shaky breath and said one last thing to Haruhi.

"And if Hikaru really did still have feelings for me, he would spend more of his time trying to win me back, instead of lashing out at the people he cares about." I left my doorway and calmly walked downstairs to wait in the dining hall, where Arai would soon be to pick me up for my date.

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