Chapter Fourteen: The Naughty Type

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            "So what's the theme today?" I asked as I barged into the music room. There were only a few minutes until the club doors opened to the rest of the school.

"Arabian nights, my beloved daughter!" Tamaki said and put his arm around me. "What could be more magical?"

"Maybe if we smuggled some-"

"Ah! That, my darling, was a rhetorical question. And there will be no illegal actions in this club!" he yelled and jabbed a finger at me. I was ushered into the dressing rooms to change into my costume, and returned just in time to see the door open to reveal our first customer of the day. I scurried into place between Haruhi and Kyoya, and put on my best smile. When the doors opened, I became confused when I saw that it wasn't one of our normal customers. It was a little boy who looked to be in elementary school. He also looked shocked to see us, since he stumbled backwards and fell to the ground.

"Welcome to the Ouran Host club," we all said cheerfully.

"Oh, it's just a kid," Hikaru said, boredom noticeable in his tone.

"Not only that, it's just a boy," Kaoru added, sounding slightly more amused than his twin.

"What's wrong, little boy? Did you come to my palace in search of something?" Tamaki asked.

The boy stood and composed himself. "Are you the king of this place?" he asked, sounding unsure of himself.

Tamaki sighed in delight at being called the king, and smiled to himself. "Well, are you?" the boy asked again.

"Come closer, lost one," Tamaki beckoned, and the boy followed orders. "What was it you just called me, little boy?" Tamaki asked when the kid stopped just a few feet in front of us all.

"The king."

"Ah, the king!" Tamaki gasped dramatically. "Yes I am the king of the Ouran host club! Long live the host king!" he said with sparkles in his eyes.

"I'm an elementary fifth year, Shiro Takaoji! I want the host club king to take me on as an apprentice!" he announced confidently, which of course only boosted Tamaki's already bursting ego.

"Are you sure you know what you're getting into, kid?" I asked. Tamaki quickly covered my mouth, and smiled dashingly to the young boy.

"I'll do it! I will take you on as my apprentice!"


The little kid sat at Tamaki's table, watching closely while the king worked his magic on some girl.

"I wonder why he wants Tamaki to train him to become a host," I wondered out loud.

"Beats me. But that kid might be more trouble than he's worth," Haruhi said and pointed over to where Tamaki's customer was running away in tears. Tamaki looked absolutely mortified, while the brat just stuck his nose in the air. He must've said something to offend her.

"So how's it going boss? That's an adorable little apprentice you got there," Hikaru said while trying to control his laughter.

"Hikaru..." Kaoru said quietly, turning the situation serious. "Do you wish you had a little brother like Shiro?"

"Don't be silly. I could search the globe and I'd never find a better brother than you, Kaoru," Hikaru said, embracing his brother tightly in his arms.


"Look they're doing it!"

"It's forbidden brotherly love!" two girls squealed off to the side.

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