Chapter Nineteen: Unsaid Feelings

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            It didn't take rocket science to figure out that something was going on with the guys. After Haruhi told them that I had a crush on someone, they started acting differently. I guess not really differently, just... like they were up to something. Left and right, guys that I barely knew were approaching me, and I noticed that they were all of the guys that had come to the beach with us. They were the only guys who, besides the hosts, I had spent quality time with since I moved here. When they talked to me they spoke like they knew something, or were waiting for me to reveal something to them. It was the same thing each time.

"Miyoko, I really like you. How do you feel about me?" they would ask, and of course I would say I didn't like them the same way. I knew this had to be Kyoya's doing. He was the only one who knew exactly which guys came with us on our trip. But my only question was, why? Did he think that the person I liked was one of my customers and was trying to get me to confess? No way was that happening.

Honey seemed to be up to the same thing, but was using a different tactic. He invited me to the club during lunch, saying that he wanted me to test out some cake flavours with him. Of course I agreed, I could never say no to the cutie, and free cake was an opportunity that I wasn't going to pass up. We sat alone in the music room at a little white table, and he slid me a piece of strawberry cake, which I of course devoured almost immediately.

"So, Miyo-chan," Honey said cutely. I looked at him with curious eyes.

"Yes, Honey-senpai?"

"Well, I was just wondering if you would tell me who it is that you like. We're friends now! You can tell me, can't you?" he asked and gave me the cutest damn look that I had ever seen. His eyes were sparkly and he was using a bashful little smile to try and get what he wanted.

"I'm sorry, Honey-senpai. But I'm not ready to say who it is yet," I said. He was disappointed, but we still finished our lunch together and he dropped the topic. But I knew that he wasn't the last one to ask me.

The next day Tamaki approached me with a nervous smile. I stood in front of him with my arms crossed and an annoyed look on my face. "Yes, Tamaki?" I asked through gritted teeth. I was already annoyed with whatever game the guys were playing, since I seemed to be the target of it.

"U-Um..." He seemed rather nervous, and I knew it was probably because he saw me practically bite the head off of Kyoya when I told him to stop sending guys up to come and ask me if I liked them.

"I'm not telling you who I like," I barked, and he apologized and quickly ran in the opposite direction. I sighed, and continued to class, which was where I was headed until Tamaki interrupted me.

Haruhi wasn't in class yet, which was weird since she almost always arrived before me. But Kaoru and Hikaru were there, and I wasn't looking forward to what they was most likely going to say to me.

"Miyoko, come sit next to us," Kaoru said and waved me over. I reluctantly sat down between him and his brother, and he sat sideways in his chair to that he could look at me.

"Don't you even dare ask me what I think you're going to ask," I said and held up a finger to stop him from saying anything.

"I wasn't going to ask you anything," he said casually. "I was just wondering what you look for in a guy. I bet you're into bad guys with dark hair and tattoos," he said. I was about to correct him, but I knew that I couldn't.

"There's no way she would like someone like that," Hikaru said from my other side.

"Then what do you think she's into?"

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