Chapter Twenty: A Date

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            It was late Sunday morning when I heard a ruckus from outside my bedroom. Haruhi knew that I liked to sleep in, and last night she'd told me that she was going to the market and might not be back when I woke up. Maybe it's a burglar. Thinking that someone might have broken into the house, I grabbed the broom from the corner of my room which I'd placed there the night before after a late cleaning session. I neared my door and put my ear against it to listen to what was going outside. I relaxed when I heard familiar voices.

"Are we supposed to take off our shoes too?"

"Please, if you don't mind."

"Did you hear that, we have to take our shoes off! It's kind of like going to the dojo, huh~"


"Do you have any slippers for us, Haruhi?"

"Wait, the room's covered in tatami mats."

"In that case, we don't need slippers."

"Where's Miyoko?"

"Sleeping, so be quiet."

"It's eleven o'clock, why is she still asleep."

"She was up late last night."

"Well, thanks for inviting us in!"

"Yeah. Thanks."

"It's greatly appreciated."

"Yes, thanks, Haruhi." I groaned and slid open my door, still wearing my pajama shorts and tank top, broom in hand.

"What's going on?" I asked groggily and rubbed my eyes.

"Hey, did we wake you?" Haruhi asked. She was standing in the kitchen, looking into the living area were the entire host club was sitting gym-style around the kotatsu table.

"What are they doing here?" I asked.

"I don't know."

"Hey, Miyo-chan's awake!" Honey said, noticing me standing next to Haruhi. The rest of the host club greeted me happily.

"What's that in your hand?" Kaoru asked.

"A broom."

"Why?" Hikaru asked.

"I thought someone broke in."

"So you were going to attack them with it?"

"I guess so." I shrugged, then went back into my room and put it in the corner. I thought that I should change since we now had company over, and opened my tiny closet to search for something to wear. I slipped into a spring dress and brushed through my hair, then walked past Haruhi who was making tea in the kitchen, and went into the bathroom so that I could wash my face. When I was finished I walked back out to where everyone was sitting, and took my place in between Haruhi and Mori.

"Here, Miyoko" Haruhi said and put a cup of tea in front of me.

"Thank you." I eyed the boxes on the table. "What are those?" I asked.

"I brought cake for everyone!" Honey said happily.

"That was sweet," I said, and he opened up one of the boxes to reveal an array of delicious looking desserts.

"Here, you two can chose first!" Honey said and held the box close to us so that we could look closely inside.

"Are you sure, Honey-senpai?" Haruhi asked.

"Go ahead! We're rich, we eat this kind of stuff all the time," Hikaru said from across the table. My eyes flickered away from the desserts and to his face. Tamaki and Kaoru immediately slapped their hands across his mouth, keeping him from saying anything else. I wasn't fazed by what he said, it was typical of him and the other hosts to say things like that. But I giggled at their reactions to him. Hikaru caught my eye and made a silly face. I smiled lightly, then turned my attention back to Honey who was trying to get my attention.

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