Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Last Day of Summer

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 It was not easy dating Hikaru. I'd learned this only the second day of us being together. He wasn't necessarily possessive, but it was easy to strike jealously within him. I'd catch him glaring at male customers who stared at me or tried talking to me.

He was also very needy in the sense that he craved my attention. I'd noticed that depending on who we were around, the ways in which he would hold me were different. In public, he was very protective. He would put his arm around my waist or shoulders, holding me close to him and letting everyone know that I was his. But when we were alone, he was much softer, and more affectionate. Hands caressing my hair, cuddling on the couch, and plenty of kisses, ranging from gentle to passionate. He was constantly pulling me into his lap when he was sitting, nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck. I didn't mind this as much as his jealously, since I liked the feeling of being close to him. I craved it, truthfully. But one of his new favourite games to play was seeing how much he could make me blush, by whispering suggestive or embarrassing things into my ear, and teasing that he would only stop if I shut him up with a kiss. Me being me, I refused to give in and let him win, even though kissing him was most definitely not the worst thing that I could do. It was easier for him to make me blush than I wished, but I had learned a while ago, and relearned quickly, that only he had the power to make me turn a million shades of red.

We'd been dating for a month or so, a little while after Karuizawa. After the incident in his bedroom, which was much more innocent than it sounds, we had become an item. He didn't officially ask me to be his girlfriend, which saddened me a bit. I wanted to hear him ask me to be with him, but apparently all those unsaid words were squeezed inside of a passionate kiss, and our fate was sealed. He announced our relationship to everyone the next day by proudly yelling, "Miyoko is my girlfriend now, so keep your hands off of her!" I was very embarrassed by him, but enjoyed the sound of him calling me his. Everyone took the news in roughly the same way. Kaoru patted his brother on the back and congratulated him, telling him he was lucky to get a girl like me, then proceeded to give me a tight hug and jokingly welcome me to the family. Honey gushed, Mori ruffled my hair with a small smile, and although Kyoya said that he was happy for us, it was clear that he was more concerned with how this would affect the club. Haruhi, of course, was happy for us and hoped that this meant the end of the drama and conflict between Hikaru and I. Tamaki's reaction was different than I had expected. I was imagining a situation where he didn't support us at all, thinking that I was foolish to fall for such a shady twin. But instead, he just pulled me in for a tight hug, and whispered something about how he was happy that Hikaru finally broke out of his world and let me in.

Today was the last day of summer. Although I was sad that in less than twenty-four hours, I would lose the freedom of summer vacation, I was getting a little antsy at home and was tired of having nothing to do all day. Which was exactly the reason that I was currently pestering Haruhi.

"Haruhi~ I'm bored!" I whined, and shook her arm. She was trying to peacefully read in her room, but of course, I was disrupting her.

"Then go do something," was her solution.

"Like what?"

"I don't know, find something yourself."

I rolled my eyes and threw myself over top of her, so that I was horizontal to her. I knew that she was getting fed up with me, but I didn't care. "Come on, let's go do something."

She groaned, then tossed her book to the ground and pushed me off of her. She sat up in the bed and thought for a moment. "Fine, if you want to do something so badly, there's a products expo going on downtown. Why don't we go and check it out," she suggested.

"That's a great idea!" I exclaimed and jumped off of her bed. "Let me go grab my purse!" I yelled while running out of her room.


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