Chapter Nine: The New Manager

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            Today, all the hosts were dressed in kimonos from the twins' mother's designs. Of course I didn't mind being given the chance to wear a beautiful black kimono with pink, white, and gold flowers printed on it, and with it I wore a large pink flower clip in my hair that had strands of white beads dangling from it.

I was just in the middle of making some more tea for some customers that were waiting for their turn with Haruhi, when I noticed not too far away, Tamaki seemed to have become teary-eyed. From what I could hear it was another one of his overemotional outbursts, and he was feeding his clients some bullshit about how their beauty made him teary-eyed. I rolled my eyes at how typical Tamaki was to use a line like that.

"I think it's adorable that you're wearing matching kimonos," one girl said from behind me, who was sitting with Hikaru and Kaoru. She was the same girl that I always saw sitting with the twins. Her and her friend never seemed to leave them.

"Our mother designed everything the hosts are wearing today. If you see something you like we can take an order for you," Hikaru said.

"Wow, really!? I want to buy Miyoko's kimono. She looks so pretty in it!" the second girl said.

At the mention of my name I turned around and smiled. "Thank you! The twins' mother really has some amazing designs."

"It'd be great if you bought one of the kimonos. Our grandmother even helped us put ours on," Kaoru said.

"But you know the only one who will be undressing you is me, Kaoru," Hikaru said and gently held his brother's face with one hand.

"Hikaru, you're embarrassing me in front of everybody," Kaoru replied, with sparkling tears reaching his eyes, just like Tamaki's had. Of course the girls screamed in glee, but I just took my tea and let them be.

After delivering the tea to some girls, I walked backwards from their table and into a body. I turned around to see it was Hikaru that I hit, and because of the impact something had fallen out from his sleeve and onto the floor. It was a tiny green bottle.

"What is this?" I asked and picked it up to examine it closer.

"Seriously guys? Fake tears?" Haruhi asked and snatched the bottle out of my hands.

"For your information it's common for a host to use eye drops," Kaoru said.

"No woman alive can resist a man on the brink of tears," Hikaru said.

"I think I could," I mumbled.

"Don't be such a party pooper. You've already fallen for me, even without the tears," Hikaru said while wrapping his arm around me.

"Very funny," I said. Something, or someone, caught my attention in the doorway. There was a girl just standing there, watching us from afar.

"There's someone there," I said and nudged Hikaru.

"Looks like the host club has a brand new guest," he said with his brother.

They both slid over to the girl and began working their charms. "Come on in, what are you waiting for?" Kaoru asked and offered her a rose.

"Watching from afar is no fun," Hikaru said and also extended a rose to her.

"Please, Miss," they said together.

"Stop that. How many times do I have to tell you boys to be more courteous to our first time guests?" Tamaki said. "Please, you don't have to be afraid, my princess. I welcome you to the Ouran host club."

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