Chapter Thirty-Six: The End

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 A multitude of different emotions flood my head after hearing Tamaki's announcement. Confusion, shock, anger, frustration; they were all relevant to my reaction. I didn't have any time to question Tamaki about it, because as soon as he said what he needed, he left without another word with Lady Éclair following behind him, lingering a second longer to flash us all a smug smile.

I knew this had to be a set-up of some sort. Tamaki was only spending time with her because of his grandmother's wishes, and it was clear he had no real interest in her. This was not his doing. I tried to speak to Haruhi about this, but she refused to speak to me about the matter at hand. She would slink away from me when I brought up the topic, not bothering to give me an excuse. I first thought it was because of the way she was, never wanting to be involved in cases where she didn't belong. But then I began wondering if it was her feelings that were rejecting the issue. Jealously maybe, betrayal definitely.

It was the day after the big news, the second day of the Ouran Fair, and the last day the Host Club would be intact. I thought back to yesterday, when I was so excited and happy, just waiting for today to come. But now, every minute felt like a stab in the chest, like all I could do was wait until the club that had brought me so much happiness and fulfilment was disbanded forever, and the person who started it all was married to some girl he had met not even twenty-four hours ago. It was torture.

I couldn't work right either. While I was supposed to be entertaining our guests, I was actually thinking of any way that I could fix what was happening. It was clear neither my heart nor my mind was being put into my work, but I didn't care.

"Miyoko," Kyoya said and gestured me over to him with a small wave of his hand. He was standing by the large indoor fountain, observing the people around him. When I reached him, I got exactly what I was expecting; a lecture.

"Your lack of work ethic is showing. You're moping around like a lost animal," he commented.

"Well I have a reason to act like that, don't I? Everyone does, even you. Why are you so calm about this?" I asked him.

"It's our job to take care of our guests to the best of our abilities. Their happiness is of the upmost importance, we can't waste time dwelling on our own problems when we have people who are looking to us to entertain them."

"I can't just forget about this, Kyoya-senpai," I said. "What's even the point anymore when tomorrow, it will be like this club never even existed. How do you know everything won't change? Maybe once the club is gone, we're all just gonna break apart. What if the twins close themselves off from the rest of the world again? What if Haruhi goes back to wanting to do nothing but study? What if you and everyone else start thinking I'm just a commoner again?"

"Now Miyoko, I hope you don't actually believe any of those things will happen," he said and pushed up his glasses.

"They might."

Kyoya shook his head and sighed lightly, then looked at me with just a hint of a smile. "The host club might have been what brought us together, but it isn't the only reason that we stay together. It will be different once the club is gone, but it won't change our memories or the relationships that we've built together. It won't change how I perceive you, or you perceive me. And you can't truly believe that Hikaru would put up a wall between the two of you."

I nodded. "You're right, I just can't help but imagine the worst. But you do have to admit that things will change once Tamaki marries Lady Éclair."

"We'll just have to see, won't we?" he asked, then sighed. "I must get back to work, and so do you. Keep the customers happy, this is the last day we will be serving them."

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