Chapter Twenty-Nine: Nearly Fearless

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 I'd originally gone over to Hikaru's house so that the two of us could work on homework together. He was struggling in math, so naturally I told him that I would be able to help him. But after nearly an hour, he was already bored of working and wanted to spend our time in other ways.

"Come on, Miyoko, this is so boring," he said, and turned over onto his back. The two of us were laying on the floor of his living room with math books spread out all around us. I sighed, and ignored him as I continued to finish writing down an equation. Hikaru, not liking the fact that he was being ignored, scooted towards me and nudged me with his shoulder.

"Let's do something else."

"We can do something else when you finish your homework," I told him. He groaned, and put his head down onto the ground. When he raised it again, he was smirking deviously. He leaned in close to me, and I could feel the heat of his body against mine.

"Miyoko~" he purred in my ear. His breath was hot, and it made my skin tingle. "No one's home right now, why don't we go do something more worth our time?" he suggested in a low voice.

I rolled my eyes. "Hikaru, are you trying to seduce me?"

He smirked, and poked my side. "Wow, you finally get it."

"Well after knowing you for so long, I think I can recognize when someone's flirting with me."

"Is it working?"


"Ugh, you're impossible."

"I'm not impossible, I just want to study," I said and tapped my pen against his book. "Get to it."

He groaned, then tossed his book to the side. "I guess I'll just have to do this by force," Hikaru said and stood up.

"Huh?" I asked, but choked on my words when Hikaru lifted me off of the ground and held me bridal style. He kicked aside the notebooks and backpacks as he carried me to the couch, as if to prove his point. He sat down, still holding me, and grabbed the remote from the coffee table.

"We're going to watch a movie," he decided, and began changing the channels. He'd arranged our bodies so that he was lying across the length of the couch, with his head resting on the armrest, and me on top of him. I could hear his heartbeat with my head lying on his chest. I wanted to continue the fight, and push him into finishing his homework. But with his free hand running lazily through my hair, and hearing the way his heartbeat quickened when I nuzzled myself against him, I didn't want to ruin the moment.

"What are we gonna watch?" I asked.

He smirked in triumph. "How about a horror movie?" he suggested, and the TV changed to a bloody title screen. I'd never heard of the movie before, but it looked interesting enough.

"Okay, I like horror," I said, and snuggled against him.

"Really? You're not gonna be scared?" he wondered, and looked down at me.

"Nope. It's a slasher movie, right?" I asked.

"A slasher movie?"

"Yeah, you know. Some psychopath that goes around murdering a bunch of people."

"Oh, no it's not like that. There's not a guy killing everyone, it's kind of like... demons, and ghosts, and-"

"Like supernaturals?" I asked, feeling now slightly panicked.

"Yeah, is that alright?" Hikaru asked, wanting to play the part of the supportive boyfriend, but I could see the mocking smile he was trying to suppress.

I prided myself on not being afraid of much. I wasn't scared of storms, or animals, or robbers and murderers. But if there was one thing that absolutely scared me to death, it was the supernatural. Ghosts, demons, possessed dolls, anything that didn't belong in this world. I'd never told anybody about my fear, not even Haruhi. So there was absolutely no way that I was going to reveal this to the one person that I knew would use this against me, which was my boyfriend.

"It's fine, let's watch it," I said, and pressed him to hit play. The movie started like any other; a family moving into a new house, a few unexplainable incidents occur to which the family tries to make sense of, until bigger things start to happen and the family dies off one by one. Each killed by an unexplainable death by a horrifying ghost. I was shaking throughout the entire film, and covering my eyes at every moment that I thought something scary would happen. There was no way I could hide my fear from Hikaru, it was inevitable that he would find out. He'd offered to stop the movie dozens of times, whenever I would shiver or scream in fear. I could hear the amusement playing in his voice. He didn't take my fear very seriously. So, being as stubborn as I am, I insisted that we watch the whole movie. Even if I would have multiple nightmares later that night.

When Hikaru finally turned off the television after the movie ended, I still had my hands over my eyes. He chuckled, and removed my hands to look at me.

"You could have said you didn't want to watch it," he said.

"I did want to."

"No you didn't. You don't think I noticed that you were shaking the entire time," he asked, and raised his eyebrows at me.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, I was scared. So what?" I asked.

"Nothing," he said defensively. "It's just kind of weird, you're usually pretty fearless."

"The supernatural is the one thing that I'm afraid of."

"Why? It's not even real."

"I guess it's because it isn't real."

"That makes no sense."

I rolled my eyes, and climbed off of him. "Well, this is just great. Now that you know, I bet I can expect an endless supply of scares coming from you, is that right?" I asked.

Hikaru shook his head. "No. If it scares you that much, I won't torture you," he said innocently, but I wasn't buying it.

"Yeah, right. Why wouldn't you take advantage of this? Especially since Halloween is coming up. I'm gonna have to keep my eye out for your tricks," I said, and poked his nose.

"I'm serious, Miyoko. I won't scare you."

I crossed my arms and shook my head back and forth. "Nope! I've learned from my mistakes, I won't believe everything you say. I know you, and I know that you're gonna play some stupid little prank on me. But I'm not gonna fall for it, because I'll see it coming," I said, and stuck my nose in the air. Hikaru rolled his eyes at my childish behaviour.

"Okay then, can we get back to watching movies? You can pick this time," he said, and tossed me the remote.

"No way, the agreement was that we watch a movie, then you finish your homework," I said, and pointed at the books that were kicked around on the floor.

"We never made any agreement," he said and looked at me suspiciously.

"Well I'm making the agreement now, so let's get back to work!" I commanded, and shoved a book in his hand. I studied him as I watched him read his book with a bored expression on his face, wondering what kind of crazy schemes he was planning at the moment.

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