Chapter Thirty-Three: His Lovely Item

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 Kasanoda came to school the next day looking absolutely pissed. But I guess that was just his regular face, so he seemed to be neutral about his new situation. Based on his body movement and uncertainty in his eyes, he looked uncomfortable as he walked around the school grounds. Probably because every time he moved the people around him would act as if he had just threatened them. Naturally, I felt bad for the guy, and approached him to try and cheer him up.

I walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. "Good morning, Kasanoda," I said and smiled at him when he turned around to face me.

He looked alarmed at my greeting, which made me wonder if people didn't normally greet him that way. "Good morning, Fujioka!" he said rather loudly and aggressively. I had to admit that he was pretty intimidating. He was much taller than me, but then again, who wasn't? And he looked even more menacing up close. But I knew his true intentions, so I couldn't bring myself to feel threatened by him.

I giggled, and gave him a closed-eyes smile. "Just call me Miyoko, ok?" I asked. He blushed deeply, and nodded his head.

"Are you lost?" I asked. "You seem a little bit confused."

"Well, I was actually looking for Morinozuka-senpai," he said, looking slightly embarrassed due to the pink tint that his face had developed.

"Oh, okay. Well I'll help you," I said and tugged on his arm for him to follow me. "Just look for someone really really tall and really really handsome," I said as I pulled him along with me. People watched us curiously, and I knew that they must have been thinking what a strange pair we were.

"I see him," I said happily, and pulled him over to where I spotted Honey and Mori. Honey smiled largely when he saw me.

"Miyo-chan!" he squealed.

"Good morning, Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai," I said, and let go of Kasanoda's arm.

"Big brother, Morinozuka!" Kasanoda said, and bowed down in front of the two hosts. "I just wanted to say good morning."

"Good morning to you, Bossa Nova!" Honey said sweetly, and lifted his arm into the air as a greeting.

"Right back at ya, Haninozuka-senpai!" Kasanoda yelled, sounding extremely loud and aggressive, causing Honey to run and hide behind Mori.

"Back at ya," Honey said timidly from behind his protector.

"Maybe how you greet people is one of the things we should work on," I said, and giggled awkwardly.

"Want me to carry your bag to your classroom, senpai?" Kasanoda asked, and held out his hands to take Mori's bag.

"That's ok, I can manage," Mori said. A beat passed, and Mori's eyes sharpened, like I had seen him do the day before when he noticed Kasanoda trespassing. He reach his hand out forward, pressing it against Kasanoda's forehead and firmly pushed him backwards.

"What the hell are you-" Kasanoda cried out, but shut up when he saw a potted plant crash down from the roof, landing right where he had just previously been standing. A second pot fell, looking like it was going to land right over top of him, until Mori's hand slashed right into, breaking it and knocking it a few feet to his right. He did it so calmly, and so precisely, that you would think that he was merely swatting a fly. People came up to him to ask about his wellbeing, as I was the only one who turned away from him to go to Kasanoda's side.

"Kasanoda, are you alright?" I asked, leaning down next to him. His eyes wandered from the broken plants, to Mori, to me, and he turned red in the face.

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