Chapter Seventeen: Different Feelings

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I was storming around my room trying to keep my anger inside of me. I wanted to trash the room and exert my rage, but I knew that wasn't the answer. Instead I got ready for dinner. Kyoya had knocked on my door around ten minutes ago to tell me that he would be back in half an hour to let me know that dinner was being served. Meaning I only had about twenty minutes left until it was time. I slipped on an OUTFIT, struggled with my messy beach hair until I quickly braided it over my shoulder, and redid my mascara. The entire time my stomach stung with every movement than I made. I'd have to sneak to the kitchen later on and get some ice for it. I wasn't going to let the others know that I was hurting.

"Miyoko, dinner is being served." Kyoya knocked lightly on my door. I stood up from my bed and opened the door. Kyoya glanced at me over his glasses.

"What, did I over-do it?" I asked, and looked down at my outfit. Maybe the heels and necklace were a little too fancy for a meal at home, but we were in a mansion after all. The entire house was over-done in gaudy chandeliers and gold accents.

"You look lovely, shall we?" Kyoya asked ask extended his arm to me. I wrapped my arm around his and stood closely to him while he led me to the dining room. When we entered through the double doors, I saw that everyone was already sitting. There was an open spot next to Haruhi.

"Sorry for the wait," I said, and sat down next to my cousin. I was unpleasantly surprised to look up and see Hikaru sitting directly across from me. Honey and Mori dished out the crabs to everyone, and we all dug in.

Normally when I was upset with someone at the dinner table, I would act like a complete brat and pretend that I wasn't hungry and refuse to eat. But Honey and Mori spent their time slaving away in the kitchen to make this meal, so I was going to enjoy it. I was a guest in this house, and behaving like that would just be plain room.

I saw that Haruhi had a different thought process when it came to subtly getting back at someone, because she was scarfing down the crab legs, one after the other.

"These crabs taste in-crab-able," she said and tossed another empty shell to the side. "Get it?" She giggled. I couldn't help but snort at her lame joke and shoot her a smile.

I ate my share of crab, which was only a handful of legs until I was starting to feel full. But Haruhi kept going.

"Don't you think you've had enough?" Tamaki asked. "Give it a rest."

"Excuse me, I thought that you weren't speaking to me," Haruhi said coldly and cracked another leg.

"You trying to be cute?" Tamaki asked. She just shot him a look from the corner of his eye. Tamaki slammed his napkin onto the table and stood. "Okay fine, I get it. It seems you refuse to admit you were wrong. See if I care then, I'm going to bed. Kyoya, would you show me to my room please?" he asked.

"No problem. Well excuse me everyone." Kyoya followed after his friend.

"Drama queen," I muttered.

"Will you just cut it out?" Hikaru snapped from across the table. My eyes darted up to face him.

"Excuse me? That's the first thing I've said all dinner. Or is me just sitting here annoying you?" I asked coldly.

"It's you sitting there thinking that you're so innocent in this."

"Who was the one that got attacked?"

"Who was the one that threw herself into a bad situation without thinking anything through?"

"Fine, if I'm bothering you so much I'll just leave," I said and made the same dramatic exit that Tamaki had.


When I got to my room I immediately kicked off my heels, unclipped my necklace and tossed it onto my nightstand, took out my earrings, then plopped down onto my bed and shoved my face in my pillow. I didn't know how I felt. Angry, of course. But there was this feeling of doubt that started surfacing after my first shout-off with Hikaru down at the beach. The thought of me being wrong was tugging at my chest, and I hated it. Okay, so maybe I could have handled the situation better. But I had no other option, and Haruhi and I could've taken on those guys if we tried hard enough. Maybe. Possibly. No, we couldn't. But I still thought that we did the right thing.

While I was having this eternal conflict, someone knocked on my door. I sighed and crawled out of bed to go see who it was.

"Huh, Kaoru?" I asked when I saw the twin standing in front of me.

"Hey, can I come in?" he asked. I stepped aside and let him into my room.

"What, did your brother send you here to rag on me some more?" I asked and went to go sit on my bed.

"No, but I did want to talk to you about what happened," he said and came to stand by me.

"I know, you all think that I'm stupid, and irresponsible, and a total brat."

"Not totally." He chuckled. I couldn't help but notice how much nicer her was than his brother. "I think you should apologize though. You should've seen the look on his face when that girl told us you were in trouble. He practically beat that guy that was holding you half to death. You worried him, and you worried me, and everyone else. But he took it the hardest because he has different feelings for you."

"I don't know what you mean by different," I said.

Kaoru chuckled, then in a flash he pushed me back and had me pinned against the bed. "Eek!" I squeaked.

"See how easy it is to overpower you?" he asked quietly. "Do you not realize the danger you put yourself in? We get it, you're a fighter not a bystander, but you need to know your own strengths and your own weaknesses."

I knew he was right. I knew they were all right. As much as I wanted to think that I was some unstoppable being, I was just a scrawny little girl.

"I know, Kaoru. I'm sorry." He got off of me and helped me up too.

"Hikaru deservers an apology more than anyone. He's down by the beach, but you better hurry. I think there's a storm coming," he said.

"Thank you," I said. Without bothering to grab any shoes I dashed out of my room and out of the house. The beach was so close by that I could already hear the waves. I could see storm clouds beginning to form so as quickly as I could I ran to the beach to find Hikaru. It wasn't that hard so spot him. He was standing directly in front of the water, watching the storm clouds rolling in.

The sand was cool underneath my feet. I almost wished that I'd worn shoes, but then I remembered that now wasn't the time to think about that. My heavy breathing and sloppy footsteps in the sand were masked by the sound of the crashing waves. I managed to stand right behind and he still didn't realized that anyone was around. I reached my hand down to grab his, but he flinched at my touch and snapped his head around to look at me. His gaze softened when he saw that it was me, but then hardened again in annoyance.

"Hikaru..." I whispered.


"Hikaru, look at m,." I demanded. He sighed, but did as told. "I'm sorry," I said seriously and looked him directly in the eye. He scoffed and turned away from me.


"I am. I know that was I did was wrong. I'm not strong and I'm not clever, I should've just went to get help. It's just... I've just learned to handle things by myself. It's easier for me to be in control of something. But I wasn't in control. I... I..." Hikaru stopped my rambling by gripping my shoulders and shaking me lightly.

"I know. And you are strong and clever, I didn't mean to make you feel differently. I'm sorry that I was so harsh about everything. I just don't know how to control my emotions around you," he said, all while leaning closer towards me. He closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against mine. My breath hitched and I could feel my heart beat quickening. Is he going to kiss me? I could feel heat rising to my face like I've never experienced before. Am I blushing? He re-opened his eyes and slowly pushed away from me with a smirk on his face.

"The storm's coming in. We should get back," he said slyly, and walked back towards the path leading to the beach house. He left me by the water, red-faced and heart racing. I'd never met someone who made me feel like that. It was foreign and exciting, yet intimidating. And it was all because of him.

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