Chapter Eleven: A New Friend

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        I didn't quite know what to do. The twins were busy speaking to the director, Mori and Honey were practicing lines together, Renge and Haruhi were getting ready to shoot another scene, and Kyoya just straight up disappeared. I wandered around the set for a little while and tried to find someone to talk to. I spotted a head of blonde hair standing near the school building, and I sprinted towards them.

"Tamaki-senpai!" I squealed happily and jumped onto the back of the club's king. He screamed in a high-pitched voice out of surprise, but once he saw it was me he cleared his throat and calmed down.

"Miyoko, you can't just go sneaking up on me. You nearly gave me a heart attack!" he exclaimed. I dropped off of his back and smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry, senpai. I was just so bored. Everyone's busy," I said. I looked down at the ground and kicked the dirt underneath me. I looked back up at him with puppy dog eyes and saw that his lips were quivering.

"Oh, I can't help it! You're just so cute! I'm sorry for snapping at you!" he said and picked me up into a giant hug. I laughed, but became quiet when I heard a noise coming from around the corner.

"Do you hear that?" I asked Tamaki. He set me back down on the ground, and we both listened intently. There was a sort of ruckus happening from where Haruhi and Renge were supposed to be shooting.

"Come on," Tamaki said and grabbed my hand. We ran around to corner to see Renge squatting in front of Haruhi, who was sitting on the ground with her head in her hands.

"Haruhi?!" Tamaki called to her. She turned her head and from where we standing it looked like there were tears coming from her eyes. My eyes immediately focused on the two boys standing with them.

Tamaki sprinted and held the brown-haired boy against the wall, clutching the collar of his shirt and lifting him slightly off of the ground. "So which one of you jerks started this?" he asked angrily.

"Wait, Suoh, it's not what you think! That girl started it, she was giving us a hard time." the other one said.

"Really?!" I barked doubtfully and stomped over to him. I pushed his shoulder and he jerked backwards. I raised my hand again, but he grabbed my wrist with a strong hold.

"Please, I don't want to hurt you," he begged while his grip on my wrist tightened.

"Let go of me, asshole!" I spat and tried to free my arm from his grasp.

"Miyoko, calm down," Haruhi said and stood up from the ground. He was still using a hand to shield her eyes. Tamaki let go of the boy and approached her. "It wasn't their fault, they were provoked," she said.

I let my hand relax, and once the guy knew that I wasn't going to attack him again, he let me go and he and his friend ran away.

"Haruhi, are you in any pain?" Tamaki asked and cupped her face gently while I awkwardly stood on the sidelines. She was rubbing her eyes, and I noticed something about her eyes. Those aren't tears.

"Yeah, its' my contact," she said and held the contact lenses on the tip of her index finger.

"Your contact?" Tamaki asked.

"Yeah, I guess it must've slipped out."

Tamaki started chuckling. "I see how it is. You're able to cry without eye-drops, so you're a full-fledged host now!" Haruhi looked at him quizzically, but then smiled.

My heart warmed at the sight of these two. It was so adorable how Haruhi didn't seem to notice how much Tamaki cared for her. I felt someone step up next to me and put their hand on my back.

"Cute, aren't they, Hikaru?" I asked.

"I think they're kind of sappy."


"I saw you try and attack that guy earlier."

"You did?"

"Yeah. You're kinda psycho."

"That's what makes me so interesting, isn't it?"

"Yep. I wouldn't change a thing."

I heard sniffling and turned my head to see Renge watching the four of us. "You... you... please tell me you got that, camera-man!" Renge shouted.

"Yes, boss!" the camera-man answered with a thumbs up.

"Other than Haruhi's contact falling out, and Hikaru calling Miyoko a psycho, that was an ideal final scene! All it needs now is a movie narration by my sweet Kyoya," Renge said.

Crash! Kyoya seemed to appear out of nowhere and smashed the camera lenses with a large rock.

"What'd you do to my camera?" the camera-man cried.

"What? Is something wrong?" Renge asked in a tiny, innocent voice.

"I'm terribly sorry, but I cannot allow there to be any record of a club member engaging in violence. I think you've caused enough trouble around here, Renge. Please stop being such a pest," Kyoya said coldly.

Even though at times I thought Renge was being a little overbearing, I felt bad for what Kyoya said to her. She was a nice girl, despite being slightly unstable.

"A pest?" she asked, and tears dropped from her eyes. "But you're supposed to pat me on the head and tell me not to worry! You're supposed to be kind and affectionate, Kyoya! Why are you acting so differently now? Tell me why!" she cried. And there was the unstable part.

I stepped up next to her and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Because the Kyoya standing in front of you, isn't the Kyoya that you fell in love with," I said. She looked at me with a child-like innocence burning in her eyes, and she dropped down to the ground. I stepped back, and Haruhi took my place. She crouched down in front of her and spoke in a soothing tone.

"Does it really matter?" she asked. "Who cares if Kyoya is a little different than who you expected him to be. Take a good look at the person inside and get to know him little by little. It's a lot more fun that way."

Haruhi really had a way with words. Something seemed to switch in Renge's mind, judging by the look on her face. I wondered what it was.


Back in the music room, all the hosts were seated and gathered around one sofa, while some of the clients sat in front of us, gushing about the movie. "I bought the video of that film you made!" "I bought it too!" "And so did I!" "You did?" Tamaki asked. "That scene in the rain was just phenomenal!" "I love the Lonely Prince!" "The loving relationship between Hikaru and Kaoru was so sweet!" "It was almost as sweet as Miyoko and Hikaru together!" "Kyoya," Tamaki called in a warning tone. "I may have broken the camera's lenses but the footage that we'd already shot wasn't damaged. Naturally, I did cut out that violent scene that Miyoko and Tamaki caused. Sales have been pretty good so far. That Hollywood film crew did a fantastic job. But then I guess that's to be expected." "So is this what you meant by interesting?" the twins asked. "It's best to have as much money as we can in the club's budget," Kyoya answered. "Good day, everyone," Renge said and stepped up to us. "Renge, what are you doing here? I thought you'd already left for France," I said. "I can't believe I didn't realize this sooner," she said. "It was so chivalrous of you to risk your life to protect me. I could feel the love when you lectured me about judging people." She grabbed Haruhi's hands and pulled her close. "When you said it was fun to get to know people little by little, you were talking about me." "Yeah..." Haruhi said uncertainly. "Come on, Haruhi. Let's go to my house and play some games together! I think it's time you got to know me better," Renge said and dragged Haruhi out the door. "What?!" Haruhi exclaimed. I giggled lightly, but followed them out the door. "Miyoko, where are you going?" the twins asked. I looked back into the room with a mischievous grin on my face. "To give Haruhi some dating tips on her new girlfriend. This is what Tamaki wanted after all, isn't it?" I asked, and stuck my tongue out at a rampaging Tamaki. I ran down the hall to follow the girls, and thought that maybe Renge could actually be my first girl friend since I came to Japan.  

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